Celebrities don't post tweets like this anymore and we miss it.

When things were chaotic on Twitter, X apologized.

August 25th 2024.

Celebrities don't post tweets like this anymore and we miss it.
Twitter was once a place of freedom for celebrities, a land where they could tweet without fear of cancellation. It was a magical time, full of unfiltered thoughts and unabashed posts from the likes of Adele, Rihanna, and Lily Allen. Publicists were constantly on edge, bracing themselves for the inevitable inappropriate tweet from their A-list clients. But despite the chaos, it was all in good fun.

However, as with all things, the world eventually changed. Twitter, now known as X, has become a more tame and controlled space. Celebrities now walk on eggshells, carefully choosing their words for fear of backlash. The carefree days of old have come to an end, and Twitter as we knew it has essentially been burned to the ground.

In this modern age of polished TikTok stars and Instagram influencers, the true essence of celebrity has been lost. Where once they provided chaos and entertainment, now they present us with perfectly photoshopped pictures and carefully curated content. It's all well and good, but it's just not as fun as it used to be when they let loose on Twitter.

We can't deny that there have been some iconic moments on Twitter. From catty A-list spats to hilarious blunders and the endless ramblings of Kanye West, these tweets will forever be burned into our minds. Who could forget the time when Dionne Warwick declared that a millennial had taught her to tweet, but she was still the one throwing the millennial's baby shower? That's the kind of chaos we miss.

Then there was Susan Boyle's unfortunate album party hashtag blunder. In the early days of hashtags, anyone could make a mistake like that, right? It provided endless entertainment for us all, and we'll never forget the infamous #SusanAlbumParty.

Footballer Wayne Rooney also had his own iconic tweet when he expressed his heartbreak over Whitney Houston's death. It wasn't until years later that he explained the emotional tweet, revealing his love for the late singer. And who could forget when Kanye West, in his pre-problematic days, gave us a glimpse into his unfiltered thoughts with gems like "Sometimes I push the door close button on people running towards the elevator. I just need my own elevator sometimes. My sanctuary."

But it wasn't just individual celebrities who provided us with entertainment on Twitter. In 2011, there was a savage Twitter beef between Rihanna and Ciara. It all started when Ciara appeared on E!'s Fashion Police and made some not-so-nice comments about Rihanna. The pop star wasted no time in firing back with a tweet that had fans grabbing their popcorn. The two eventually reconciled, but it was a moment that will go down in Twitter history.

And let's not forget about Kim Kardashian's infamous tweet to her second husband Kris Humphries, declaring herself a "slave" for him. Little did we know, just a few months later, their marriage would come to an abrupt end after only 72 days.

But perhaps one of the most embarrassing Twitter blunders of all time was from Rita Ora. In a now-deleted tweet, she threatened to release new music if it received 100,000 retweets. Unfortunately, it didn't quite go as planned, and the tweet was quickly taken down after only receiving 2,000 likes.

Despite all the chaos and blunders, there's something endearing about these throwback Twitter moments. They remind us of a time when celebrities were more unfiltered and spontaneous, and we could count on them for some good old-fashioned entertainment. So here's to the chaotic days of old, and may we always remember these iconic tweets.
Once upon a time, Twitter was a magical place where celebrities could freely express themselves and share their thoughts with the world. It was a land of freedom and excitement, where A-listers like Adele, Rihanna, and Lily Allen could tweet without a care in the world. Those were the good old days, my friends.

But as we all know, nothing lasts forever. The world changed and Twitter transformed into something else entirely. It's now known as X and the once carefree celebrities now walk on eggshells, afraid of being cancelled for saying the wrong thing. It's a sad reality, and it feels like the true essence of being a celebrity has been lost in this age of polished TikTok stars and Instagram influencers.

Gone are the days when publicists would stress over their famous clients' inappropriate tweets, from catty A-list spats to all sorts of blunders. We can't deny the chaos that those tweets brought, but it was also part of the fun. Who could forget the endless ramblings of Kanye West or the iconic Twitter moments from the likes of Dionne Warwick and Susan Boyle?

Yes, even a millennial like myself learned a thing or two about tweeting from the legendary Dionne Warwick, who also happens to be a pro at throwing baby showers. And let's not forget Susan Boyle's infamous album party hashtag blunder. It may have been unintentional, but it provided us with days, weeks, and even years of entertainment.

Another unforgettable tweet came from none other than football star Wayne Rooney, who expressed his heartbreak over Whitney Houston's passing in a very emotional way. And who could blame him? We've all had those moments when a celebrity's death hits us harder than expected.

But not all tweets are created equal. Some are just downright hilarious, like Kanye West's random thoughts that he used to share on Twitter. And then there are the epic Twitter beefs, like the one between Rihanna and Ciara back in 2011. It was a battle of words that kept us all on the edge of our seats, but in the end, they made up and moved on.

Of course, we can't talk about embarrassing Twitter moments without mentioning Kim Kardashian's tweet to her husband at the time, Kris Humphries. It's safe to say that she probably regrets calling herself a "slave" for him now. And let's not forget Rita Ora's failed attempt at promoting her new music by setting a retweet goal that fell short.

Ah, those were the days. Twitter may never be the same again, but we'll always have these iconic tweets to look back on and laugh at. It's a reminder of the chaos and excitement that celebrities used to bring to the platform, and for that, we are forever grateful.

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