Celebrate Pancake Day by flipping good puns and jokes. Here are some examples: Pancakes are great, but so are pancakes jokes. Having pancakes for breakfast is the best idea ever! Pancakes are the perfect way to start the day. Have a stack of pancakes

We are facing a problem again.

February 21st 2023.

Celebrate Pancake Day by flipping good puns and jokes. Here are some examples:

Pancakes are great, but so are pancakes jokes.

Having pancakes for breakfast is the best idea ever!

Pancakes are the perfect way to start the day.

Have a stack of pancakes

Can you pan-dle these Pancake puns?

The best way to celebrate Shrove Tuesday is by feasting on many, many pancakes - whether you favour the classic recipe, the vegan alternative, the gluten-free version or trying out some trendy toppings.

And there’s no shortage of options for fillings either, with many favouring the classic lemon and sugar topping, fruits and cream or savoury style pancakes with plenty of cheese. In fact, even your pets can join in the fun.

Unsurprisingly, Pancake Day is also the cause for many jokes, with people tossing awful puns around aplenty.

Here’s our favourite Pancake Day gags to impress your colleagues, friends or family with. Batter beware.

Pancake Day jokes and puns

I went to a pancake restaurant and asked if my dinner would be long. The waiter replied: ‘No, sir, round.’

*warning: pancake day puns incoming*

Why do Jedi always burn their pancakes?

Because they won’t turn over to the dark side - yen;

Happy Pancake Day from all of us at JMSU!


— JMSU March 1, 2022

How does a pancake say goodbye? See you on the flip side.

Can’t believe it’s Pancake Day again - it really creped up on us.


How do you make a pancake smile? Butter him up.

How do elves eat their pancakes? In short stacks.

Did you hear about the angry pancake? He just flipped.

Thin French pancakes give me the

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

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