Cardi B withdraws backing for Biden due to budget cuts and military assistance to Ukraine and Israel.

Cardi B said she won't be promoting or supporting any political candidates anymore.

November 21st 2023.

Cardi B withdraws backing for Biden due to budget cuts and military assistance to Ukraine and Israel.
Cardi B has recently voiced her opinion about the upcoming 2024 presidential election, and it's one that many people can relate to. During an Instagram Live session on Sunday, November 19th, the Grammy award-winning rapper announced that she is "not endorsing any presidents no more."
Her statement comes after she expressed her support for President Joe Biden during an interview with Elle Magazine during the 2020 elections. It appears that Cardi has had a change of heart and now feels that neither Biden nor former one-term president Donald Trump deserve her support.

Cardi explained her decision further by bringing up the issue of budget cuts in New York City.
"Joe Biden's talking about, 'Yeah, we can fund two wars. We can fund two wars. Motherf--kers talkin' about 'we don't got it, but we got it. We're the greatest nation.' No the f--k we're not! We're going through some s--t right now," she said.

The news of NYC Mayor Eric Adams' budget cuts, which include closing libraries on Sundays, is what really upset Cardi. She grew up in the Bronx and knows firsthand how the cuts will affect NYC residents.
"In New York, there is a $120 million budget cut that's going to affect schools, public libraries, and the police department -- y'all know I don't give a f--k about the cops, but it is what it is," she said.

Cardi still has family members in New York City who will be directly affected by the harsh budget cuts. This is why she feels so strongly about the issue.
"Where these kids gonna go. Like, I'm lucky. I'm blessed, but what's going to happen to my nieces? What's going to happen to my nephews? What's going to happen to my cousins, my aunts, my friends that's livin' in the hood?... B--ch New York is already f--king super dirty."

It's clear why Cardi has decided to no longer endorse any presidents. With budget cuts to schools, libraries, and other city workers, she sees the injustice that is being done to her community and wants to make sure people are aware of it. It's a powerful message that many can relate to and one that hopefully will be heard.

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