Call for action on baby formula scandal by Labour and Keir Starmer.

Streeting & Starmer vowed to back opposition, now it's time for the Labour Government to take action.

July 5th 2024.

Call for action on baby formula scandal by Labour and Keir Starmer.
Sir Keir Starmer, in his victory speech this morning, promised that 'change begins now'. It's a statement that holds great significance for the future of our country, and one that carries a lot of promise for the people who are counting on him to make a difference. One of the pressing issues that needs to be addressed is the baby milk crisis. Campaigners have reached out to Metro to urge Labour to fulfill their promise of taking urgent action towards tackling this crisis.

Over the past two years, prices of infant formula have risen significantly above inflation, making it extremely expensive for families to feed a 10-week-old baby, with a monthly cost of up to £89. This has led to desperate measures being taken by some, such as stealing these essential products, going without meals, or even resorting to risky 'formula foraging'. The situation is dire, and something needs to be done urgently.

Metro, in partnership with the family support charity Feed, has been running the Formula for Change campaign since last year. The main demand is for the government to introduce new legislation that will allow struggling families to afford to feed their children. It's disheartening to see that while loyalty points and store gift vouchers can be used to purchase things like alcohol, pet food, and energy drinks, they cannot be used to buy baby formula, even when it is desperately needed.

The cost of infant milk is at an all-time high, and this is not something that can be ignored. During the election, both Keir Starmer and Wes Streeting of Labour promised to address this issue. Mr. Streeting stated that they will not stand by while outdated restrictions continue to harm struggling families, while Sir Keir promised to change the rules to allow food bank vouchers and loyalty points to be used to purchase baby formula. Labour MP Preet Gill has also pledged to ensure that in government, regulations will protect families and their children instead of making their lives more difficult. Now, after a landslide victory, campaigners are urging the newly-installed Labour government to act on their promises without delay.

Justine Roberts, the Founder and CEO of Mumsnet, spoke to Metro about the struggles faced by parents in the past few years. She stressed the need to change formula marketing regulations that penalize parents financially and urged the new government to take swift action. Mumsnet has even introduced their own manifesto, which highlights the urgent need for reform to support struggling parents. Dr. Erin Williams, co-founder and director of Feed, says that changing infant formula legislation is just the beginning of helping new parents out of poverty. The latest figures from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation show that more than 1 in 5 people in the UK were in poverty in 2021/22, and this number is expected to increase due to the cost of living crisis.

Dr. Williams is hopeful that Sir Keir will honor his commitment to Formula for Change and review the regulations restricting access to infant formula as a matter of urgency. But this is just the beginning. If UK Labour wants to ensure a better future for our children, they need to commit to ending infant food insecurity by lifting the benefits cap, raising the value of the Healthy Start scheme, and respecting and prioritizing women's choices in policy decisions.

In Britain, there are strict laws governing the production, marketing, sale, and purchase of infant formula. However, some supermarket chains have been offering discounted prices, despite it being technically against the law. Richard Walker, executive chairman of Iceland, is a strong supporter of the Formula for Change campaign and has been vocal about the need for urgent action. He urges the new government to act as soon as possible and supports Metro's call for change.

The Formula for Change campaign, in partnership with Feed, is calling on the government to urgently review their infant formula legislation. The aim is to present a petition to No.10 and show the Prime Minister that this is an issue that can no longer be ignored. The more signatures we get, the louder our voice, so please sign the petition and join us in bringing about change. Things need to change now, and with your support, we can make it happen.

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