Caleb is a character in the British soap opera Emmerdale and his secret is currently unknown. He is played by actor Tom Lister.

Emmerdale has recently added a new character to their show and here is what you need to know about them.

March 6th 2023.

Caleb is a character in the British soap opera Emmerdale and his secret is currently unknown. He is played by actor Tom Lister.

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There is more to Caleb than initially meets the eye - he has caused quite a stir since he arrived in Emmerdale last year, with many speculating that he is hiding something. On Christmas Day he met with his long-lost brother Cain Dingle in prison and has since gone into business with Kim Tate on her stud farm, showcasing his knowledge of horses.

A flashback episode detailed the history between Caleb and Cain, revealing that he was born when Faith was in prison and grew up in care. Cain told Caleb that Faith was dead, something that Caleb believed up until his appearance in the village last year.

So, who is Caleb Milligan? Desperate to find out? We have a breakdown of what is currently known about the newcomer. Let the reading and speculating commence!

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There is far more to Caleb than is initially apparent

Caleb Milligan has caused a stir since he arrived in Emmerdale last year, with people speculating he must be hiding something.

He showed up on Christmas Day, meeting his long-lost brother Cain Dingle in prison, and soon made it clear he wanted to reconnect with his family.

However, he has also been seen taking secret phone calls and deciding to take out someone he sees as an enemy, meaning there is definitely more to him than meets the eye.

To find out more about the enigmatic Caleb Milligan, we've got a handy breakdown of what is currently known about him.

Who is Caleb Milligan?

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Caleb arrived in the village over Christmas

Caleb Milligan is the brother of Cain and Chas Dingle, and the son of Faith. He used his connections to get Cain and Kyle some legal help to avoid jail time.

He has also recently set up a business with Kim Tate at her stud farm, demonstrating an aptitude for horses, and has been delighting in teasing Kim's husband Will.

How did Caleb arrive in Emmerdale?

Caleb Milligan showed up in Emmerdale on Christmas Day last year, shocking Cain when he visited him in prison claiming to be his brother.

A flashback episode showed that Caleb had been born when Faith was in prison and, after being raised in care, he had come looking for his family in 1991.

Cain, who had a bad relationship with Faith, told Caleb she was dead and Caleb believed it until he arrived in the village.

The brothers had a good start but then Caleb stole a car, causing Cain to take the blame, and they didn't see each other again until 2022.

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