February 1st 2025.
As the drama continues to unfold in Emmerdale, tensions rise between brothers Caleb Miligan and Cain Dingle. The cause of their conflict? Cain's affair with Ruby Fox-Miligan, Caleb's wife.
It all started when Cain and Ruby found solace in each other's arms last year while Cain's wife, Moira Dingle, was undergoing surgery for a brain tumor. Overwhelmed by the fear of losing Moira, Cain turned to alcohol and Ruby found him alone in the garage. Little did they know, Ruby's estranged father, Anthony Fox, had just arrived at their family home.
After their brief moment of infidelity, Cain and Ruby made a pact to keep their affair a secret and never let it happen again. However, their plans were foiled when Anthony caught them in a hushed conversation. With no other choice, Ruby was forced to reveal their afternoon together to her father.
As if that wasn't enough drama, Caleb later learned that Anthony had sexually abused Ruby as a child and was actually the biological father of Steph Miligan, Caleb's sister. Enraged, Caleb took Anthony to an abandoned barn at gunpoint, seeking revenge for his sister's pain.
But the chaos doesn't end there. Anthony exposed Cain and Ruby's affair to Caleb during their showdown, leaving him shocked and betrayed. In a new spoiler video, we see Caleb unable to keep this information to himself any longer as he confronts Cain about sleeping with his wife.
Cain pays Caleb a visit to tell him that environmental health has been questioning him about noise complaints coming from the garage late at night. With his suspicions growing stronger, Cain brings up the incident between Caleb and Chas Dingle earlier that day. Finally, Caleb breaks down and asks Cain to cover for him by telling people that he was working late at the garage that night.
As viewers know, the real reason for the noise complaints is because Aaron Dingle was destroying any evidence of Anthony's car, after Ruby suffocated him to death. But Cain is left in the dark, demanding to know what he's covering for. Caleb refuses to reveal the truth, instead asking for Cain's trust.
As the weight of the situation becomes heavier, Caleb emphasizes the importance of trust and boldly asks Cain if he slept with Ruby. Will Cain come clean about his infidelity or find a way to cover his tracks? Only time will tell.
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