British citizens could be drafted in the next six years if Putin is not defeated.

Possible paraphrase: Conflict may be looming.

January 27th 2024.

British citizens could be drafted in the next six years if Putin is not defeated.
It's a scary thought, but the possibility of war with Russia may soon become a reality for the British people. This warning comes from Professor Anthony Glees, a well-respected expert in the fields of security and intelligence at the University of Buckingham. He believes that there is almost no chance of Russia backing down from their stance on Ukraine in the near future.

In fact, Professor Glees agrees with outgoing head of the British Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders, who has called for conscription and the possibility of UK citizens being called upon to fight. As tensions continue to rise, the military is taking measures to prepare for the worst. They are looking to recruit volunteers over the next three years in anticipation of a potential conflict.

According to Professor Glees, if the situation with Russia escalates and they refuse to back down, the UK government may have no choice but to implement conscription within the next six years. He compares this timeframe to 1937, just two years before the start of World War II when conscription was still seen as a distant possibility. General Sir Patrick has also made this comparison, further emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

In the event of a wider European or world war, conscription would be implemented immediately. This dire warning from Professor Glees reflects the growing concerns among experts about Russia's aggressive actions. General Sir Richard Shirreff, a former Nato commander, has also spoken out about the possibility of conscription in the UK. He believes that the country needs to carefully consider this option and be prepared to call upon hundreds of thousands of Brits to fight against Russia.

The fear of war is not limited to the UK, as other countries such as Estonia and Sweden have also expressed similar concerns. However, the British government has stated that they have no intention of implementing conscription. They have reassured the public that the military will continue to be a voluntary force, as it has been for many years. Despite these reassurances, the possibility of war and the potential need for conscription remains a looming threat.

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