Bride requests nephew to depart wedding as he was wearing white.

I said she was selfish and had extreme insecurity.

August 22nd 2023.

Bride requests nephew to depart wedding as he was wearing white.
Weddings are a time of celebration, but they can also be a source of tension for even the strongest of families. This was certainly the case for one couple who were left not speaking after their nuptials.

The groom, 28, shared his story on Reddit and asked if he was the 'a**hole'. He began by saying the ceremony was 'amazing', but things started to unravel during the reception. It all began when he noticed his wife, 26, was upset and had mascara running down her cheeks.

When he asked what was wrong, she told him it was because their six-year-old nephew was wearing a white outfit. The groom thought she was overreacting and told her to go back and enjoy the reception.

But things escalated when he later found out that his wife had asked his sister and her son to leave unless they could find a change of clothes for the boy. This was too far for the groom, who told his wife that if she kicked out his family, he would leave too. He then said she was not only selfish but also insanely insecure if she was worried about a six-year-old looking better than her.

Since then, the bride has been staying with her mother and they haven't spoken once. Her mother has asked the groom to apologize for being 'out of line', but he doesn't believe he is in the wrong.

Responses to his post have been mixed. Some commenters believe the bride's reaction was extreme and out of line, while others think more context is needed, such as whether the groom's wife and sister have a history of not seeing eye to eye.

It's a difficult and tricky situation. What do you think? Leave your opinion in the comments below.

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