Black politicians support Biden and his determination to continue in the race and defeat Trump.

Biden reassures Democrats he will remain in the race despite pressure to drop out.

July 8th 2024.

Black politicians support Biden and his determination to continue in the race and defeat Trump.
Many prominent Black politicians are standing in solidarity with President Joe Biden as he faces calls to drop out of the race. In a two-page letter addressed to congressional Democrats, Biden declared his unwavering commitment to staying in the race and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 election.

Biden acknowledged the democratic process through which he was elected, highlighting that he received over 14 million votes and has a significant lead in delegates. He also emphasized that the nomination process was open to anyone who wanted to run, but only three people chose to challenge him.

The President's letter caused a stir among his colleagues, with some publicly calling for him to step down. However, Representative Frederica Wilson from South Florida Caribbean News released a statement in support of Biden, criticizing those who are undermining his leadership and highlighting the importance of defeating Trump in the upcoming election.

Wilson has been vocal about the potential consequences if Trump were to be reelected, citing Project 2025 and the dangers of a Trump dictatorship. She also pointed out the efforts of MAGA Republicans to overturn Roe v. Wade and ban abortion nationwide, as well as Trump's continuous lies.

In a tweet, Wilson called out the GOP's attempts to make it harder to vote and cut funding for education, housing, and law enforcement. She urged everyone to stay focused and not lose sight of the bigger picture.

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris took a different approach during the 2024 Essence Festival in New Orleans. Instead of directly mentioning her boss or commenting on his debate performance, Harris stressed the significance of the upcoming election and the power of each individual's vote.

Representatives Steven Horsford and Joyce Beatty, both members of the Congressional Black Caucus, also showed their support for Biden despite the pushback from other lawmakers. Horsford highlighted the President's dedication to fighting for a thriving and equitable economy and protecting citizens' rights and freedoms.

He also echoed Wilson's sentiment of not wanting to see Trump back in the White House and emphasized the importance of working and voting to ensure that doesn't happen. As Horsford put it, "We're not going back, we're moving forward."

In other campaign news, Keisha Lance Bottoms has joined the Biden team as a senior advisor, further solidifying the efforts to defeat Trump in the upcoming election. With just 122 days left until the election, the message is clear: the country's future is in the hands of its citizens, and it's crucial to make a well-informed decision and vote for the candidate who will lead the country in the right direction.

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