Black doctors are breaking stereotypes and promoting diversity in the field of chiropractic medicine.

Fowler Jr. and Williams created Aligned 4 Life to improve perception of chiropractic therapy.

March 9th 2024.

Black doctors are breaking stereotypes and promoting diversity in the field of chiropractic medicine.
Aligned 4 Life Wellness, located in Atlanta, GA, was founded by Doctors Joseph Fowler Jr. and Brandon K. Williams. The two doctors had a vision to change the perception of chiropractic therapy and make it more accessible to underprivileged communities. In an interview with BLACK ENTERPRISE, the doctors shared their innovative use of technology, the importance of diversity in their field, and how they are breaking stereotypes about chiropractic care.

Williams explained, "Currently, less than 2.5% of chiropractic providers are African American. It has been our mission to address this disparity and increase representation among people of color in the profession. Through our philanthropic RMIT Nonprofit Foundation, we have established a scholarship program specifically for people of color, especially African Americans, who are interested in pursuing a career in chiropractic." This initiative has provided more opportunities for aspiring chiropractors from underrepresented communities.

Fowler added, "We first noticed the lack of diversity in our field when we were in graduate school together. The graduation rates for Black students were significantly lower for various reasons, such as financial struggles or academic challenges. We saw the need to offer scholarships as part of our purpose." By focusing on inclusivity, the doctors hope to introduce more people to the benefits of chiropractic care and dispel any hesitancy or misconceptions about it.

Williams also addressed one of the biggest misconceptions about chiropractic care - that it is harmful or dangerous. He clarified, "Chiropractic care is just as safe as visiting your primary care physician. We use safe techniques and undergo similar education and training as medical doctors. In fact, the first two years of chiropractic school are often similar to the first two years of medical school." However, there are significant differences between the two practices, such as chiropractors not performing surgery.

The doctors also challenged the notion that chiropractic care is simply a massage rather than a realignment. Fowler explained, "When we work on a patient, they often feel like they just had a massage. This is because we focus on the nervous system, specifically the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. All the other systems in the body, such as hormones, immune, respiratory, and muscular, are connected to the central nervous system. So, by properly aligning the spine, we can improve the overall function of the body."

Aligned 4 Life Wellness goes beyond traditional chiropractic care by incorporating modern technology into their practice. Williams shared, "We have state-of-the-art equipment because we want to offer the best to underprivileged communities where chiropractic care is not readily available. Additionally, these technologies allow us to provide faster and more effective results for our patients." Some of the advanced techniques used at the clinic include infrared heat therapy, spinal decompression, intersegmental traction, and digital x-rays.

For those considering chiropractic care, the doctors offer some simple advice: be open-minded and think outside the box. Williams stated, "The current healthcare system is more reactive and focused on treating sickness and disease. Chiropractic care takes a different approach by focusing on true health and wellness. So, it's important to have an open mind and consider alternative methods of healing." Fowler added, "We see many patients as a last resort, but they often realize the comprehensive approach we take to their health is different and more effective. We treat the body as a whole, not just individual parts."

In conclusion, Aligned 4 Life Wellness stands out from other chiropractic clinics due to its commitment to diversity, use of modern technology, and comprehensive approach to healthcare. The doctors' mission to make chiropractic care accessible to all and dispel any misconceptions about it is truly admirable. As Williams said, "Chiropractic care is not just about fixing pain, it's about achieving true health and wellness."

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