Biscuits recalled due to potential animal droppings.

Morinaga's Manna Bolo baby biscuits are being recalled from Asian Grocery stores in several parts of Australia and New Zealand.

July 8th 2024.

Biscuits recalled due to potential animal droppings.
Attention all biscuit lovers! You may have heard that a popular type of Japanese biscuits has recently been recalled from stores across Australia and New Zealand. What's the reason, you may ask? Well, brace yourselves, because it's quite unusual - the biscuits may contain animal droppings. Yes, you read that right. The thought alone is enough to make anyone shudder.

Specifically, the biscuits in question are Morinaga's Manna Bolo baby biscuits, which are sold at various Asian grocery stores in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, and of course, New Zealand. The recall was prompted by a notice from Food Standards Australia and New Zealand, who alerted consumers about the potential presence of "foreign biological matter" in the biscuits. Yuck.

Now, I know what you're thinking - what harm can a little animal droppings do? Well, according to the notice, consuming food products containing foreign matter can actually cause illness or injury. And when it comes to babies and young children, who these biscuits are marketed towards, the risk is even greater. New Zealand Food Safety has expressed concern that the biscuits may contain bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, which can seriously harm young children if ingested.

Vincent Arbuckle, the deputy director-general of New Zealand Food Safety, stressed the seriousness of the situation. "These products should not be eaten," he said. "If you have purchased these biscuits, please return them to the place of purchase for a refund. If that's not possible, it's best to just throw them away." Better safe than sorry, right?

For those of you who are wondering about the potential health risks, it's recommended that you seek medical advice if you have consumed these biscuits and are feeling unwell. And of course, if you have any additional concerns or questions, you can always contact Jun Pacific Corporation Pty Ltd, the company responsible for distributing these biscuits, at [email protected].

We know it's disappointing to have to give up your favorite biscuits, but nothing is more important than your health and safety. So please, heed the recall notice and take the necessary precautions. And don't forget, there are plenty of other delicious biscuits out there to satisfy your cravings. Stay safe and happy snacking!

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