Biden reaffirms backing for Israel amid growing pro-Palestinian sentiment.

Gallup poll: Young adults less supportive of Israel now.

May 2nd 2024.

Biden reaffirms backing for Israel amid growing pro-Palestinian sentiment.
In a recent press conference, President Joe Biden reaffirmed his unwavering support for Israel's controversial occupation of Gaza and the violent treatment of Palestinians. He addressed the events that occurred during protests at Columbia University and UCLA on May 1, emphasizing that while peaceful assembly and free speech are essential rights, violence will not be tolerated in a civil society.

Biden acknowledged that America, as a diverse and freedom-loving nation, has always faced moments like this, where some may try to exploit the situation for political gain. However, he urged for clarity and emphasized that this is not a time for politics, but rather for peaceful resolution.

He also made it clear that while he stands by Israel, he does not condone the persecution of Palestinians, Arabs, or their supporters. He condemned any form of hate speech or violence, whether it be directed towards the Jewish community, Muslims, or Arab and Palestinian Americans.

When asked if the protests on college campuses have influenced his stance on Israel, Biden firmly stated that they have not. However, he did address the concerning incidents of violence and chaos on these campuses, where pro-Israel supporters seemed to have been the instigators.

At UCLA, a group of pro-Israel supporters allegedly attacked a pro-Palestine encampment, armed with sticks and attempting to remove barricades. Similarly, at Columbia University, Palestinian students and their supporters were met with a SWAT team, causing outrage amongst the student body.

These incidents have shed light on the biased treatment of students who support Palestine, with universities like Columbia, Harvard, and Penn State calling the police rather than empowering their students to peacefully express their beliefs.

In a time where young adult support for Israel is dwindling, Biden's continued support for Israel can be seen as a form of virtue signaling. It adds fuel to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Gaza.

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