Biden criticized a lawmaker for criticizing his Supreme Court reform plan, calling it 'dead on arrival.'

Biden slams Republican Speaker Johnson for criticizing his proposal for Supreme Court term limits.

July 29th 2024.

Biden criticized a lawmaker for criticizing his Supreme Court reform plan, calling it 'dead on arrival.'
During a press conference on Monday, President Joe Biden was asked to comment on Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson's criticism of his proposal to reform the Supreme Court. Johnson had referred to the plan as "dead on arrival" and Biden had a witty response, stating, "I think that's what he is."

As reporters sought clarification, Biden reiterated Johnson's words, saying, "He is - dead on arrival." This prompted Johnson to share a video on Twitter, not only of Biden's recent remark, but also a clip of his previous debate performance which ultimately led to him ending his reelection campaign. In the clip, former President Donald Trump can be seen questioning Biden's coherence.

Johnson's spokesman, Taylor Haulsee, also spoke out against Biden's comment, calling it "incoherent and pathetic." The Biden administration had just unveiled their proposal to reform the Supreme Court, which includes eliminating lifetime appointments and implementing term limits for justices.

Under this new proposal, a sitting president would appoint a justice every two years for an 18-year term on the bench. Biden believes that term limits would allow for a more balanced and fair composition of the court. Currently, the Supreme Court has a conservative majority of 6-3.

In addition to term limits, the proposal also calls for a code of ethics for justices, which would restrict their political activity in public and require them to disclose any gifts they receive. Johnson not only labeled the proposal "dead on arrival in the House," but also a "dangerous gambit."

Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris, who Biden endorsed for the Democratic nomination after stepping aside, stated that these reforms are necessary due to the "clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court." The Biden administration is determined to bring about these changes in order to restore trust and balance to the highest court in the country.

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