Beloved character from Coronation Street to make highly anticipated comeback after 3-year absence for exciting new plot.

She ended a popular relationship during her previous visit to Weatherfield.

July 26th 2024.

Beloved character from Coronation Street to make highly anticipated comeback after 3-year absence for exciting new plot.
Oh, this is going to be quite the eventful turn of events in Coronation Street! Fiz Stape is about to be caught off guard as Alina Pop makes her return to the neighborhood. As you may recall, Alina was the one responsible for breaking up Fiz and Tyrone Dobbs' relationship. It all started when Alina developed feelings for Tyrone, leading him to end things with Fiz and move in with Alina.

But things didn't go smoothly for the new couple. Trouble began to brew when Hope Stape, Fiz's daughter, couldn't handle having Alina around as her dad's new partner. In an attempt to scare Alina away, Hope set fire to their flat. Unfortunately, Alina was pregnant with Tyrone's baby at the time, and the stress of it all resulted in her having a miscarriage. It was a heartbreaking ordeal for Alina.

But a few weeks later, she announced that she was pregnant again. However, her happiness was short-lived when she found out that Tyrone had lied about Hope's behavior and had even gone to Romania without her. When Tyrone eventually found Alina at the Chariot Square Hotel, she revealed that she had made a mistake with her dates and was never actually pregnant. But a scene at the airport's departures lounge hinted that she may still be expecting after all.

Since Alina's departure, Fiz and Tyrone have reunited and even tied the knot. But their happiness may be short-lived as Fiz receives some shocking news from Debbie Webster and Rita Tanner in the café. They inform her that the leader of a human trafficking group in Romania is going on trial, and Alina could be called in as a witness. This news leaves Fiz worried about what the future may hold for her family.

In an attempt to avoid any possible encounters with Alina, Fiz tries to convince Tyrone to go on a holiday with the family. However, he is not too keen on the idea. But with the possibility of running into Alina again, one can't help but wonder how much everything will change if she did give birth to Tyrone's baby. It's a complicated situation, and only time will tell how it all unfolds. If you're a fan of EastEnders, Coronation Street, or Emmerdale, join our exclusive WhatsApp Soaps community for the latest spoilers, videos, and interviews. Just click on the link and select "Join Chat" to be a part of the fun! Don't forget to turn on notifications so you don't miss out on any updates.

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