Beauty company transforms inexpensive soap into lucrative enterprise, generating six-figure profits.

A Trinidadian mother's homemade exfoliating soap, made with shea butter, oatmeal, and brown sugar, was initially created to help her daughter's eczema.

March 9th 2024.

Beauty company transforms inexpensive soap into lucrative enterprise, generating six-figure profits.
In 2003, Kimo Bentley found herself in her New York apartment, crafting her very first soap bar. It wasn't a business venture at the time; instead, it was a mother's desperate attempt to help her daughter's eczema. Her shea butter-based oatmeal and brown sugar exfoliating soap bar proved to be a natural remedy for her daughter's skin condition, and little did she know that this act of maternal care would lead to the birth of a successful beauty business.

Bentley's passion and dedication to creating a quality product were evident as she poured her heart and soul into perfecting her soap bar. She started by giving it away to friends, neighbors, and family, but it wasn't until people started offering to pay for it that she considered selling it. Soon, she became known as the "soap lady," and her career at Bosley Medical took a backseat as she embarked on a full-time entrepreneurial journey in esthetics.

As a Black woman, Bentley was well aware of the frustrations and challenges that people of color face in the beauty industry. Armed with this understanding, she set out to create a product that not only delivered results but also catered to the needs of Black consumers. What started as a $5 bar of soap has now evolved into a full line of skincare products, a thriving aesthetic clinic and med spa in Downtown Silver Spring, MD, and an estimated revenue of $800,000 in 2024.

In a recent interview, Bentley shared her journey as a solopreneur and the challenges she faced while starting small with a single product. She fondly remembers the early days, saying, "I started with just a simple oatmeal and brown sugar soap bar. I believed in the power of natural ingredients and wanted to heal my daughter's eczema naturally." Her commitment to quality and her vision for her brand never wavered, even as she faced obstacles in sourcing ingredients and navigating the complexities of manufacturing and distribution.

Despite her success, Bentley remains humble and focused on her goals. After completing aesthetics programming and obtaining her license to treat skin, she set out two goals: creating quality skincare products and educating women of color about skincare treatments. She believes that there is still a lack of representation and diversity in the beauty industry, and she is determined to change that.

Like any entrepreneur, Bentley faced setbacks, such as Walgreens ending their distribution agreement in 2018. However, she saw it as an opportunity to reassess and strengthen her brand. She sought additional education and training to develop her skills and grow her business. As her brand continues to grow, she remains committed to giving back to her community and empowering others, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds in the beauty industry.

Named one of 24 influencers making Black beauty history by Essence, Bentley's journey is far from over. She continues to innovate and expand her product line, med spa, and soon-to-open esthetics school. She believes in paying it forward and using her platform to create opportunities for others, stating, "Success is not just about personal achievement; it's about lifting others along the way." With her determination and drive, there's no doubt that Bentley will continue to make an impact in the beauty industry and beyond.

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