Be inspired by the Aquarius Full Moon to strive for personal growth and improvement.

Aquarius is known for their passion for social justice and humanitarian causes.

July 28th 2023.

Be inspired by the Aquarius Full Moon to strive for personal growth and improvement.
The next Full Moon on August 1st brings the Aquarius vibe with it. This sign is known for its humanitarianism, innovation, and radical ideas. With the Full Moon's super moon status, it's time to broaden our horizons and consider how we can make a difference on a global scale.

The tarot can help us figure out how to play our part. Aries should use their skills to good use, while Taurus must focus on becoming emotionally secure within themselves. Gemini should spread joy and Cancer has the power to heal others. Leo should do things their own way and Virgo should use their practical nature to make a change.

The Full Moon is a time to reflect, ponder, contemplate, review, and release. Consider how you can become a better citizen of this planet and make your corner of it a better place. It's an opportunity to be a force for good in our own way. Let the tarot guide you and feel free to be liberated and open to growing. Take what you're good at and amplify it, take it further, stretch its impact, make it work harder and work for good reasons and causes. Be the good in the world.
The Full Moon on August 1st will bring the Aquarius vibe into play, giving us the opportunity to reflect on how we can be better citizens of this planet and contribute to a better world. This super moon amplifies the humanitarianism, activism, honesty, purity, and progressive thinking associated with Aquarius, urging us to ask ourselves how we can make our corner of the world a better place.

Aries, you can put your skills to good use and build on your successes and strengths. Take what you’re good at and amplify it, take it further, stretch its impact, and make it work harder for good reasons and causes. Tarot card for Aries for the Full Moon in Aquarius: Four of Wands.

Taurus, the Tarot card for Taurus for the Full Moon in Aquarius: Six of Swords encourages you to release stuff. Let go of what isn’t working, is outdated, is a dead weight, or just doesn’t fit with the ideal version of yourself. Bad habits, limiting self beliefs, old behaviours, damaging patterns, toxic roles or relationships... let them all go and be free.

Gemini, the Three of Cups urges you to spread joy and be a positive vibe to as many people as you can possibly reach. Treat people, call them up, take them out, go on outings, start a party, celebrate, and generally be a force for good.

Cancer, the Tarot card for Cancer for the Full Moon in Aquarius: The World wants you to get involved in a global cause, campaign, or charity. Something that means a lot to you, something that you truly feel you can make a difference with.

Leo, the Queen of Swords has you seeing right to the heart of an issue close to you. Do things the way you want to do them and ask for forgiveness rather than permission. You possess authentic authority, use it to put something right that you can see is wrong.

Virgo, the Emperor reveals there is an imbalance of power in your realm that needs recalibrating. Put in practical, tangible safeguards and measures and tactics to make a change, to shift the power, to alter the balance. Your practical nature will be handy in this situation.

This Full Moon is a great opportunity to make a difference and be a better person. Take advantage of it and be a force for good in your corner of the world!

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