BBC newsreader "types" on keyboard during live broadcast, viewers amused.

The speaker made a mistake and is admitting it.

October 23rd 2023.

BBC newsreader
Newsreader Pam Caulfield left BBC viewers feeling second hand 'embarrassment' on Sunday afternoon when her Points West news bulletin ended with her 'fake typing' on air.
Everything had gone swimmingly until the final seconds as Pam, in a moment of panic, didn't seem to know what to do with her hands - so she started typing on her laptop without actually touching any of the keys.

"But that's it from me! I hope you have a lovely afternoon, whatever you're up to. Goodbye!" she cheerily said to viewers before turning to her laptop and seemingly randomly hitting the keys.

Viewers were left howling by the unconvincing mime, with one person even brandishing it an 'embarrassment'. Another kinder person gave Pam '10/10 for the fake typing', and ITV presenter Lewis Warner joked: "She's let the secret out! My laptop isn't even real, it's playmobil!"

Thankfully, Pam has taken the teasing in her stride and can see the funny side of it all. She even replied to someone sharing the video with a photo of herself sat at a piano, quipping: "I can also do fake piano playing..."

The BBC News Bristol X/Twitter account got in on the fun, sharing the viral clip and joking: "Fake typing activated."

Viewers were in fits of laughter, with one person asking "Wonder what she's writing there?", while another added: "Love the way her fingers start moving before they get to the keyboard."

Pam's hilarious escapade has been shared far and wide, with some viewers branding it a perfect demonstration of "everybody pretending to work at 4pm on a Friday".

It's certainly a moment that will stay in Pam's memory forever - and will be the source of much laughter for the viewers at home.

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