BBC has announced a documentary offering an intimate look into Dame Deborah James' life before her death.

Dame Deborah James passed away in June of 2020.

March 2nd 2023.

BBC has announced a documentary offering an intimate look into Dame Deborah James' life before her death.

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Before she passed away, Dame Deborah indefatigably strove to spread awareness of bowel cancer

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Her documentary that is set to be released this spring on BBC Two includes never seen before mobile phone footage, her Tik Tok videos, Instagram posts, podcasts, family videos and voice notes

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The Bowelbabe Fund for Cancer Research UK has raised more than £7.5 million and her posthumously published book How To Live When You Could Be Dead has raised additional funds from sales

Her sister Sarah Wieczorek spoke about her during a BBC special, commenting that she was a person who would never be content with anything less than the best

Before her demise, Dame Deborah worked hard to increase awareness of bowel cancer

Through her social media accounts, podcasts, and book, Dame Deborah spread knowledge of how to recognise the signs of bowel cancer to millions of people

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