A child in Britain has become the first victim of Covid-19, succumbing to the illness after a breathing tube was misplaced.

Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab passed away in March 2020 at the age of 13.

March 2nd 2023.

A child in Britain has become the first victim of Covid-19, succumbing to the illness after a breathing tube was misplaced.
Images of

(Image Source: https://metro.co.uk)

the funeral of Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, the UK's first child victim of Covid, circulated widely in the early days of the pandemic lockdown. It was found that a misplaced endotracheal tube was a factor in his death; the tube, used to help patients breathe, had been found to be in the wrong position hours before his passing. Senior Coroner Andrew Harris concluded that had the tube been correctly placed, Ismail would not have died when he did. News of this tragedy spread quickly and impacted many, especially during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic. As Ismail's family had to self-isolate, they were unable to attend the funeral. Pictures of his coffin being lowered by four people in white protective clothing, gloves, and face masks had an immense impact. If you have a story, get in touch with our news team by emailing us, or you can submit your videos and photos. Keep up with The Agency on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news, and for more articles, sign up to get The Agency's daily push alerts.

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