Baker's work day goes awry when her Crocs get stuck in the cake trolley.

Reminder: Avoid wearing Crocs to work in the future.

October 7th 2024.

Baker's work day goes awry when her Crocs get stuck in the cake trolley.
Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong? Well, for baker Isabel Maidens, that day was captured on CCTV footage and it was not pretty. Isabel, the owner of Isabakes bakery, had spent the entire day perfecting her delicious treats. She was excited to finally move the cart loaded with her hard work, but little did she know that her trusty Crocs would betray her.

As she rolled the trolley, one of her Crocs got stuck under the wheel, causing the entire cart to rock and sending all the trays of sweet treats tumbling to the ground. In a desperate attempt to save her creations, Isabel can be seen in the footage trying to catch the trays, but unfortunately, they all fall and spill onto the floor. The sight of her hard work destroyed was enough to make Isabel stand with her head in her hands, while only one Croc remained on her foot.

It was truly a disaster for Isabel. After posting the video on her Instagram and TikTok channels, it quickly went viral with hundreds of thousands of views. People from all over could feel her pain and sympathized with her. In her Instagram post, Isabel wrote, "If you're having a bad Monday, it can't be worse than mine. This is all my bakes I'd spent the day making!!!! We go again." It was clear that Isabel was determined to not let this setback bring her down.

Of course, there were some lighthearted comments as well. One viewer joked, "Those Crocs need sacking immediately." While another offered some wise advice, "Note to self - don't wear Crocs to work." But in the end, Isabel was able to laugh it off and continue with her passion for baking. After all, accidents happen and the show must go on.

So, the next time you have a bad day, just remember Isabel and her disastrous moment caught on CCTV. And if you happen to see her at her bakery in Rossendale, Lancashire, don't forget to give her some words of encouragement and maybe even a new pair of Crocs.

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