Ava DuVernay has created the largest hiring network in the industry with the expansion of her ‘Array Crew’.

900+ films, TV shows, commercials & video projects have been staffed by Array Crew.

August 16th 2023.

Ava DuVernay has created the largest hiring network in the industry with the expansion of her ‘Array Crew’.
Ava DuVernay has further demonstrated her commitment to diversifying the film and TV industry through her free service, Array Crew. This service has already been used to staff over 900 films, television shows, commercials, and video projects, and boasts over 40,000 active users. Now, partnering with Hollywood heavy-hitters Brian Grazer and Ron Howard through their Impact platform, Array Crew is set to reach 1.2 million industry professionals.

The Los Angeles Times has declared this new partnership to be the "largest hiring network" in the entertainment industry, and Howard and Grazer recognize that it is essential to break the insulation of the industry in order to promote business sense, a healthy art form, and a better experience for the audience.

Array Crew will remain free to members, but with Impact's backing, DuVernay can focus her efforts on making Array Crew a true power player in the tech space. She has acknowledged the challenges of running a digital platform worldwide and becoming a tech company, but with Impact's resources, such challenges can be surpassed and POC can be further empowered in the industry without having to succumb to outside funders.

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