Author's 5k project celebrated 10 years of success, having achieved its initial goal and beyond.

Mike Dales' challenge to exercise 5k every day for 10 years will be celebrated tomorrow.

March 23rd 2023.

Author's 5k project celebrated 10 years of success, having achieved its initial goal and beyond.
Tomorrow marks the tenth anniversary of Mike Dales' initiative to walk, cycle, kayak, ski, or run a distance of five kilometres each day. The Bridge of Earn-based author has written a book that encourages others to do the same. “There are a lot of people out there wanting to take part in more physical activity, but they tend to give up after a few days or weeks,” he stated. “My message is that if you can set a specific goal for yourself, it will be easier to stay motivated and reach it. For example, if you say 'I will walk at least

a mile on at least five days every week' or 'I will walk at least ten kilometres every week', it is more likely that you will keep going and meet your targets.” The book starts with a description of Dales' own fitness challenge and then shifts to the challenges that other people are taking on,

ending with an invitation for readers to make their own challenge at a suitable level.

The author also mentioned the importance of staying active as one grows older. “Apart from the obvious health benefits, there is so much joy to be had from the outdoors and being close to nature,” he said. To commemorate the 10 year mark, Dales will be running two laps of the North Inch in Perth at 5pm. He will be joined by his friends and anyone else who wishes to join him for part or all of the run or just to congratulate him when he crosses the finish line at the Bells Sports Centre around 5.30pm. For more stories, readers can check out the news page on Scottish Field. Additionally, the April issue of Scottish Field magazine should not be missed.

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