Australian teenager dies during gap year in UK.

A young man, 18, is fondly remembered as kind and sociable by those close to him.

August 19th 2024.

Australian teenager dies during gap year in UK.
It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of Australian teenager Jack Ryan's sudden passing. The 18-year-old had been on a gap year in the United Kingdom, where he had been working and exploring new opportunities. Tragically, he collapsed in the bathroom of his student accommodation and was unable to be revived. His family has confirmed the heartbreaking news.

Jack had recently graduated from the prestigious King's School in North Parramatta, and his sudden death has left his loved ones and community in shock. While the cause of his passing is still unknown, his father Peter Ryan has expressed his determination to understand what happened and bring his son back home.

In a statement released on Sunday, Peter wrote, "We don't have all the answers yet and I'm flying out to England today to understand everything that has happened and bring him back home. Jacko, you were and always will be loved by so many. You packed a lot into your 18 years, and we are all better people for having you in our lives. We love you so much."

The King's School, where Jack had been a student, also paid tribute to him upon hearing the devastating news. They remembered him as a friendly and caring young man, loved and respected by all who knew him. Jack had a passion for cricket and was a valued member of the 1st XI team. He was also known for spending quality time with his friends.

The school released a statement saying, "It is always a tragedy to lose a young life so full of promise, and we continue to keep Jack's parents, Kate and Peter, brother Tommy, and family and friends in our prayers."

In the midst of their grief, Jack's family has been touched by the outpouring of love and support from their community. As they prepare for his funeral in the coming weeks, Jack's school friends have set up an online fundraiser to help bring his body back home. The response has been overwhelming, with donations surpassing the initial goal of $15,000 and reaching over $45,500.

Peter expressed his gratitude, saying, "Such a lovely gesture from his best mates. They just want their mate brought back home to them. We are eternally grateful to them and those that have contributed. The thoughtfulness and generosity overwhelms us."

Jack's sudden and untimely death has left a void in the hearts of all those who knew him. His family and friends will forever cherish the memories they shared with him and will keep his spirit alive through their love and support. May he rest in peace.

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