Australia's south-east experiencing sudden drop in temperature.

Parts of the country will experience frost and struggle to reach 10 degrees today.

June 13th 2024.

Australia's south-east experiencing sudden drop in temperature.
This weekend, millions of people in south-eastern Australia can expect to feel the chill of wintry weather. Melbourne, in particular, will see temperatures struggle to reach a maximum of 13 degrees today, with only a slight improvement of one or two degrees expected for tomorrow and Sunday. Just yesterday, the city experienced its coldest day in five years, with the mercury barely reaching 10.1 degrees. Thankfully, the wind was not too strong, providing some relief from the already frigid conditions.

In contrast, the Bureau of Meteorology has issued a frost warning for parts of the state's north-east, as temperatures dropped to zero degrees in the early hours of the morning. Many areas will see maximums of under 10 degrees, making for a very chilly day. Moving north, large parts of New South Wales can also expect showers and cold weather. Sydney, for example, will reach a maximum of 17 degrees today, with rain expected before sunny spells arrive tomorrow. However, further inland, temperatures will struggle to reach even 15 degrees.

Meanwhile, Tasmanians will bear the brunt of the wintry blast, with Hobart experiencing a maximum of only 11 degrees over the next couple of days. But despite the cold snap, there is some good news. The long-term forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology predicts that this cold spell will be short-lived. In fact, they expect July to September to be warmer than average across Australia, with a higher likelihood of unusually warm days and nights.

So, what's causing this sudden drop in temperature? According to experts, it's due to abundant cloud cover, which is blocking the sun and trapping cold air near the surface. But don't worry, this chilly weather won't last for long. In the coming months, we can expect warmer days and nights, with above-average rainfall for parts of the interior and eastern seaboard. However, some areas, like Victoria and Tasmania, may experience below-average rainfall.

Overall, it seems like this wintry blast is just a temporary blip in the weather. So, bundle up and enjoy the cooler temperatures while they last because warmer days are on the horizon. And with the promise of above-average temperatures and increased rainfall, it's safe to say that the future looks bright for Australia's climate.

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