At the Women of Power Summit, perfectionists spoke about the importance of aiming for progress rather than perfection.

Allow yourself to take a break and relax.

March 17th 2023.

At the Women of Power Summit, perfectionists spoke about the importance of aiming for progress rather than perfection.
After an invigorating Saturday morning breakfast, women flocked to the early morning sessions where they discussed a flaw many of us have succumbed to - perfectionism.

BLACK ENTERPRISE's Women of Power session, “Progress, Not Perfection”, hosted by Lilly, brought together a panel of recovering perfectionists who encouraged the attendees to risk failure instead of striving for perfection.

Dr. Yasmene Mumby, founder & principal of The Ringgold, expressed how she had thought that taking a break was a waste of time and that she needed to earn a rest. She went on to describe how, due to her excessive workload, she had lost sight in her left eye and developed a fibroid tumor ten times the size of her uterus.

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Progress Not Perfection panel Women of Power Summit in Vegas

Mumby went on to say that understanding her situation made others realize that she could no longer be perfect for them and that she had to make the decision to choose life.

After a revitalizing Saturday morning breakfast, women hastened to attend the early morning sessions, discussing a personal issue that many of us have experienced – perfectionism. Hosted by Lilly, BLACK ENTERPRISE's Women of Power session titled "Progress, Not Perfection" brought together a panel of recovering perfectionists to encourage people to take risks and accept failure.

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Dr. Yasmene Mumby, founder and principal of The Ringgold, revealed her story of striving for perfection and how it had a major effect on her health. She confessed that she used to believe that taking a break was a waste of time and that she had to earn the right to rest. Working seven days a week, co-chairing a citywide coalition and attending night classes for law school, Mumby eventually lost her vision in her left eye due to a blood clot in the vein between her eye and brain. She also found out she had a fibroid tumor ten times the size of her uterus and a lump in her breast while recovering. She shared that she had to make the decision to prioritize her life.

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