Artificial intelligence will lead to job elimination but overall it will also generate more job opportunities, according to a Deloitte AI executive.

AI will not replace humans, but rather work alongside them in a collaborative manner, says Deloitte's Rohit Tandon. Technology will empower, not replace, the workforce.

June 23rd 2024.

Artificial intelligence will lead to job elimination but overall it will also generate more job opportunities, according to a Deloitte AI executive.
In a recent interview with PTI, Rohit Tandon, the AI Executive at Deloitte, shared his perspective on the future of AI and its impact on the workforce. Tandon emphasized that AI will not replace humans, but rather collaborate with them to bring about a revolutionary era where technology empowers the workforce instead of replacing them.

Tandon debunked the common narrative that AI will lead to job losses, stating that it will only do away with some of the easier jobs and create new roles. He explained that AI will work alongside humans, making their jobs easier and more efficient. He compared the fear surrounding AI to the fear of job losses when IT and computers were first introduced, pointing out that those technologies actually created more jobs globally. Tandon predicted that AI will become all-pervasive, just like our current everyday technologies, and will be readily available in our smartphones and other devices.

He acknowledged that AI will eliminate certain job roles, but it will also create more jobs than it eliminates. Tandon mentioned that shared services, such as finance and HR, will be the first to be impacted by AI, but other industries like energy, banking, and hospitality are also utilizing its power.

Tandon stressed the importance of setting up regulations and guidelines for AI, but also noted that they should be dynamic in nature. He suggested that these regulations should be continuously evaluated and strengthened to keep up with the fast pace of AI development. Tandon also emphasized the need for collaboration between the government and enterprises to achieve this.

He further highlighted the role of the government in AI adoption and implementation, stating that they should act as a catalyst rather than the owner. Tandon proposed two pillars for successful AI adoption - computing capability and grassroots-level training. He explained that the government should play a role in providing computing capabilities and enabling power supply for these technologies, as well as ensuring that knowledge and training are readily available to a wider population.

In conclusion, Tandon expressed his optimism about the future of AI and its potential to empower the workforce and bring about positive changes in various industries. He urged for a collaborative effort between the government and businesses to harness the full potential of AI and accelerate its adoption globally.

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