Are your teens environmentally aware? The younger generation is becoming more environmentally conscious.

Teens are responsible for lowering energy bills, not just parents' nagging.

September 26th 2024.

Are your teens environmentally aware? The younger generation is becoming more environmentally conscious.
It seems like the tables have turned, as teenagers are now the ones keeping energy bills down instead of their parents. Actor Will Mellor and his children can attest to this change in dynamics. Gone are the days of parents nagging their children about wasting energy - we all remember being scolded for leaving the door open or leaving lights on in empty rooms. But according to a recent survey, it is now the eco-conscious kids who are driving energy-saving attitudes at home.

This new generation has been dubbed "greenagers", and they are committed to reducing energy usage in their households. A survey by Smart Energy GB has revealed that 41% of parents admit that their teenagers encourage them to be more energy efficient. In fact, 82% of teenagers say that being environmentally friendly and wasting less energy is important to them, and a quarter of them claim to be more environmentally friendly than their own parents.

Not only are these "greenagers" influencing their parents' attitudes, but they are also inspiring them to take action. More than a quarter of parents say that their children have prompted them to get a smart meter to better monitor their energy usage. And it's not just talk - 31% of teenagers say they are now taking shorter showers to save energy, and almost a fifth always use the washing machine at a lower temperature.

But it's not just about teenagers changing their own habits - they are also influencing the rest of the family. Many parents admit to being caught out by their children when it comes to slacking off with their energy-saving habits. Almost half of the parents surveyed say that their teenagers remind them to turn off lights when leaving a room, while a third say their teens encourage them to air dry clothes instead of using the tumble dryer. And 42% have been told to unplug devices when they are fully charged.

For those who have made the switch to smart meters, the benefits are evident. On average, they have saved £140 in the last year alone. Actor and dad Will Mellor can attest to this, as his family's attitude towards energy saving has changed since they got a smart meter installed. He says that it has made a big impact and that his children love feeling independent by using tools that can make their lives easier.

Smart Energy GB director Victoria Bacon acknowledges the role of the younger generation in driving energy-efficient habits in the home. She explains that small changes can make a big difference, and when paired with a smart meter, families can feel more in control of their energy usage and household bills. So why not join the "greenagers" and request a smart meter at According to a survey commissioned by Tin Man, the majority of parents and their teenage children agree that it is a positive step towards a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective home.

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