Are you feeling 'tangry'? Here are some signs that exhaustion may be affecting your personality.

Insufficient sleep may contribute to disruptive behavior.

July 15th 2024.

Are you feeling 'tangry'? Here are some signs that exhaustion may be affecting your personality.
It's a common saying that our personalities can completely change when we're feeling exhausted. You've probably experienced the all-too-familiar feeling of being "hangry" - when hunger transforms into an irrational anger that only subsides once you've had something to eat. But have you heard of the newest term on the block - "tangry"? This clever combination of "tired" and "angry" describes the phenomenon of acting out when we're feeling exhausted. And it's not just a few of us who experience it - a recent poll of 2,000 adults revealed that a whopping nine out of ten people have experienced bouts of anger due to a lack of quality sleep.

In fact, this survey also found that when we're feeling tired, we tend to feel angry around 22% of the time. And it's not just a fleeting emotion - three quarters of people have even apologized for their "tangry" behavior. It's clear that exhaustion can have a significant impact on our mood and behavior. More than half of the respondents admitted to feeling grumpy and irritable when they're tired, while 42% confessed to having no patience at all.

It's not just our personal relationships that suffer when we're feeling exhausted - our work and social lives can also take a hit. The poll revealed that tiredness can lead to arguments with our partners, cancelling plans with friends, and snapping at our colleagues. It's no wonder that 18% of the participants claimed that their whole personality changes when they haven't had enough rest. And unfortunately, it takes more than just a quick snack to fix this problem.

This research was conducted by Bensons for Beds, in collaboration with sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock, as part of their "Sleep Calm and Carry On" program aimed at improving the nation's sleep wellness. Dr. Bostock explains that our sleep, well-being, and behavior are closely interconnected. When we don't get enough rest, it can affect the emotional control centers of our brain, making us more sensitive to stress and reducing our self-control. This can lead to impulsive and aggressive behavior - something that many of us can relate to when we're feeling "tangry".

So how can we tell if we're experiencing this phenomenon? The survey identified the top 20 signs of being "tangry". These include overreacting to small issues, complaining more than usual, and being generally impatient. Other common symptoms include crying or getting emotional over little things, swearing under our breath about everything, and even eating junk food in an attempt to improve our mood. And let's not forget about the impact on our relationships - "tanger" can lead to arguments with our partners, snapping at our children, and being less patient with shop workers and waitstaff.

When it comes down to it, it's clear that a lack of sleep is the root cause of "tanger". On average, Brits only manage to get six and a half hours of sleep each night, often waking up multiple times due to temperature or discomfort. Dr. Bostock emphasizes the importance of prioritizing rest and considering the impact of tiredness on our behavior towards others. So, the next time a loved one seems to be acting out of character, instead of getting frustrated, perhaps a simple question about their sleep could make a world of difference.

Let's make a conscious effort to prioritize our sleep and improve our mental health. And if you have a story to share about your experience with "tanger", don't hesitate to reach out and share it with us. After all, it's a common struggle that many of us can relate to.

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