Anonymous donor pledges $10M to help transform East Oakland and improve life for Black residents.

Collective in East Oakland gets $10M anonymous donation to help transform Black residents' lives.

November 3rd 2023.

Anonymous donor pledges $10M to help transform East Oakland and improve life for Black residents.
Rise East, an ambitious 10-year initiative to improve the lives of Black families and children in East Oakland, has been given a major boost. An anonymous donor recently pledged $10 million to the cause, as reported by KTVU 2.

This incredible show of support comes after years of hard work by the organization, which has focused on developing five key areas of power: economic, knowledge, people-centric, cultural, and political. The goal is to create an East Oakland where Black children and families can thrive, and this donation is a major step in the right direction.

Selena Wilson, CEO of East Oakland Youth Development Center and leader of Rise East, sees the donation as an opportunity to leverage even more support.

“It is helping us to secure a $50 million match from a national funder,” she said. “We're actually working on raising $50 million for that $50 million match. So a one-for-one match totaling $100 million, and we are $10 million closer thanks to this anonymous donor.”

Rise East has been able to achieve so much due to the collaboration of numerous community organizations, each of which has been dedicated to supporting East Oakland. They are focused on creating holistic change, with a focus on housing, learning, career, and other services that will enable people to lead joyful and prosperous lives.

The organization has plans to develop commercial corridors for affordable housing and Black-owned businesses. They also aim to create a "Black Cultural Zone" in a 40-by-40 block area of East Oakland, where Black people can enjoy a significant presence and Black culture is preserved.

The incredible donation of $10 million is a major milestone for Rise East’s mission, and its impact will be felt for years to come. This exciting news shows that the future of Black families and children in East Oakland is closer than ever before.

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