Animal rights supporters want Central Park to stop using carriage horses and the push comes before the trial of a driver accused of animal cruelty.

People protested outside a court in Manhattan, calling for the end of the carriage horse industry while a handler faced trial for animal abuse.

July 16th 2024.

Animal rights supporters want Central Park to stop using carriage horses and the push comes before the trial of a driver accused of animal cruelty.
On Monday afternoon, a group of individuals gathered outside Manhattan Criminal Court to demand an end to the city's carriage horse industry. They were known as "neigh-sayers," a clever play on words that referenced both the sound a horse makes and their opposition to the industry. The reason behind their protest was the trial of Ian McKeever, a handler who was being charged with animal abuse in connection to the death of a horse two years prior.

As the trial began, the neigh-sayers were filled with hope that justice would be served and the carriage horse industry would be shut down for good. They believed that McKeever's actions were just one example of the mistreatment and cruelty that these horses faced on a daily basis. However, to their disappointment, the trial did not go as planned.

The first day of the trial was not actually a trial at all. Instead, it was a pre-trial hearing where the judge would determine if there was enough evidence to move forward with a trial. This news was met with frustration and anger by the neigh-sayers, who saw it as another delay in the pursuit of justice for the horse that had tragically lost its life.

Despite this setback, the neigh-sayers remained determined to see the carriage horse industry come to an end. They continued to voice their concerns and raise awareness about the mistreatment of these animals. For them, it was not just about one horse or one handler, but about the larger issue of animal welfare and the need for change.

The death of the horse two years ago was a tragic event, but it sparked a movement that was growing stronger each day. The neigh-sayers were not going to give up until their demands were heard and the carriage horse industry was shut down. They were united in their cause and would not rest until justice was served. Only time will tell if their efforts will lead to real change, but for now, they remain steadfast in their fight.

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