Andrew Tate asks to return to UK after his mother had a heart attack.

Influencer arrested in Romania with brother.

December 21st 2023.

Andrew Tate asks to return to UK after his mother had a heart attack.
Andrew Tate, the controversial influencer, is currently being held in Romania ahead of a criminal trial. The charges, which include rape and human trafficking, have recently taken a new turn as Tate announced that he plans to request an emergency visit to London in order to visit his mother, who is in the hospital after suffering a heart attack.

Tate and his brother Tristan are not legally allowed to leave Romania, where they are facing charges of forming a criminal gang. However, the Bucharest court has recently relaxed the geographical restrictions, allowing them to move around the country. Both brothers have denied any allegations of abuse and trafficking, with Andrew Tate claiming the prosecutors have no evidence and that this is all part of a conspiracy to silence him.

The Tate brothers were initially arrested in December last year and were kept in custody until being released from house arrest in March. However, they were required to stay in Romania, and prosecutors allege that they tricked young women into sexual exploitation, promises of relationships or marriage, and then subjected them to physical violence and intimidation. The statement released in June also accused them of forcing the women to shoot pornographic scenes and then sharing them on social media.

Andrew Tate now hopes to receive permission to return to the UK for a brief visit to see his mother in the hospital. However, it remains to be seen if the court will grant him the emergency visit and whether it will be a one-time exception or a permanent change in his status.

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