Andrew had a skiing accident and it took a few days for the search team to start looking for him.

Police monitored the situation instead of conducting a search, and the body was discovered days later.

September 12th 2024.

Andrew had a skiing accident and it took a few days for the search team to start looking for him.
According to a recent report, it has been determined that the police should have initiated a search for a missing skier sooner, even though it was likely that he had already passed away. The coroner's findings state that Andrew Keith Seton was reported missing by his mother, Janice, on September 3, 2022, after he failed to check in with her following a day of skiing in Kosciuszko National Park's backcountry.

Instead of immediately launching a search-and-rescue effort, the police opted to simply monitor the situation, believing that Seton may have camped out for the night or forgotten to inform his mother of his whereabouts. However, NSW State Coroner Teresa O'Sullivan has concluded that starting the search earlier would have made a difference, even though it was likely that Seton had already passed away.

In her findings, O'Sullivan stated that the search should have ideally commenced on Sunday at first light. She also determined that Seton's cause of death was due to multiple injuries sustained from striking or landing on a rock, and that these injuries would have been fatal almost immediately.

The coroner also noted that the police response was not sufficient and that Seton should have been classified as a missing person following the initial report from his mother. As a result, she has recommended that the police consider better methods for encouraging backcountry skiers to fill out trip-intention forms and to inform the public that they must go to a station in person to report a missing person.

Seton's body was eventually discovered on September 5, two days after he was reported missing, when a search was launched with the help of a police helicopter. It was revealed during the inquest that Seton was an experienced skier who had all the necessary equipment, including crampons, an ice pick, and a personal location beacon.

To his family and friends, Seton was known as a beautiful, caring, and adventurous young man who will be dearly missed.

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