Ancient desert patterns discovered, featuring 'Wall-E' and alien depictions.

Ancient lines were carved into the desert 220 miles south of Lima between 500 BC and 500 AD.

September 24th 2024.

Ancient desert patterns discovered, featuring 'Wall-E' and alien depictions.
Throughout history, it's clear that humans have always had a tendency to doodle. This is evident in the recent discovery of over 300 mysterious Nazca glyph patterns in Peru, including depictions of cats, camels, and a figure that bears a striking resemblance to the beloved Disney character, Wall-E.

These famous geoglyphs, found in the soil of the Nazca desert in southern Peru, have puzzled scientists for nearly a century. However, with the help of AI technology, researchers have now uncovered even more patterns, some of which are quite peculiar. These new findings have been compared to aliens, killer whales holding knives, and even a figure that looks like Wall-E.

To unveil these glyphs, scientists used the latest technology to enhance the original lines, which had faded over time due to erosion. This method is similar to the badges used in the early 2000s Walk to School campaign, where additional lines were added to create a more defined image. However, some of the glyphs still remain open to interpretation, such as one that resembles Aardman's beloved character, Gromit.

The discovery of these mysterious glyphs was made by a team of researchers from Yamagata University in Japan and the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in New York, and was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The team notes, "It took nearly a century to discover a total of 430 figurative Nazca geoglyphs, which offer significant insights into the ancient cultures at the Nazca Pampa." But with the use of AI technology, they were able to discover 303 new figurative geoglyphs in just six months.

The team explains that AI was able to identify markings in the landscape that may have been missed by the human eye, with 178 of the new discoveries suggested by the technology. They also believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize the field of archaeology, much like aerial imaging has done in the past.

The Nazca lines were first "discovered" by archaeologists in 1927, almost a century ago. These lines have remained a mystery, with some researchers speculating that they may have been used in ritual ceremonies or as messages to the gods. The impressive drawings were created by removing rocky black topsoil to reveal the light-colored sand underneath. Today, the Nazca site remains a top tourist attraction in Peru, with many visitors taking plane rides to view the UNESCO World Heritage site.

Unfortunately, in February 2022, tragedy struck when a tourist plane crashed during a trip to view the Nazca lines, resulting in the deaths of seven people, including two Chileans and three individuals from the Netherlands. This serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and respecting these ancient treasures.

Stay updated with the latest news, including archaeological discoveries like these, by following us on Metro and joining our community on Whatsapp. As for the true purpose of the Nazca lines, it remains a mystery, but one thing is for sure - these enigmatic glyphs continue to captivate and fascinate us to this day.

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