CFJF applauds Gov. Carney's nomination of N. Christopher Griffiths to be the 2nd Black justice to serve on the Delaware Supreme Court and urges further diversification efforts.

CFJF applauds nomination of N. Christopher Griffiths as 2nd Black justice to Delaware Supreme Court in 230+ years.

April 16th 2023.

CFJF applauds Gov. Carney's nomination of N. Christopher Griffiths to be the 2nd Black justice to serve on the Delaware Supreme Court and urges further diversification efforts.
Today, Citizens for Judicial Fairness celebrated the nomination of N. Christopher Griffiths to fill one of two vacancies on the Delaware Supreme Court, making him just the second Black justice to be nominated to the state’s Supreme Court in its 230-plus year history. Keandra McDole, activist and Citizens for Judicial Fairness spokesperson, expressed that this is a victory for all those who have been campaigning for more representative courts. She went on to call for further diversification of the state’s top courts, including the all-white Chancery Court.

Civil rights icon Reverend Al Sharpton added, “Today, we celebrate the appointment of Chris Griffiths, a prominent Black attorney, to the highest court in Delaware. Tomorrow, we get right back to work to elevate many more like Chris Griffiths to important judgeships across Delaware’s courts. This is how we make real the promise of the Constitution’s loftiest principles.”

It has been an inspiring moment for those who have been advocating for positive change and diversity in the judiciary system. We can look to this nomination as a testament to the power of collective action, and a reminder of the importance of continuing the fight for inclusion.

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