An executive's LinkedIn page exposes a common error employees are committing in the workplace.

Many opinions on his profession!

September 26th 2024.

An executive's LinkedIn page exposes a common error employees are committing in the workplace.
The news of Nike Inc's incoming president and CEO, Elliott Hill, has caused quite a buzz on social media. And it's not just because he's taking on a top job, but because of his impressive career journey within the company. Hill's LinkedIn profile has gone viral, showcasing his 32 years of dedication and growth at Nike, from starting as an intern in 1988 to becoming the President of Consumer and Marketplace in 2018.

After retiring in 2020, Hill has now made a major comeback to take on the CEO role. Many have commented on his profile, praising his incredible loyalty and work ethic. But this has also sparked a conversation about the ideal length of time to stay in one job. Is 32 years too long? Or is it a perfect example of how loyalty can pay off in the right company?

Hill's journey at Nike is truly inspiring. He held 14 different job titles between 1988 and 2020, getting promoted every two to four years, sometimes even within a year. It's no wonder that his LinkedIn profile has been described as the "best ever". But what does this mean for the rest of us? Is this kind of career progression the norm nowadays?

According to Amanda Augustine, a careers expert at TopCV, Hill's journey is not the typical path to promotion in today's job market. While there is no set rule for how long one should stay in a job, Augustine believes there are important questions we should ask ourselves when it comes to career growth and advancement.

If you haven't been promoted in the last three years, it may be time to reassess your career goals. Augustine suggests asking yourself when your last promotion was and why it has been so long. Have you made your desire for a promotion known to your boss? What kind of feedback have you received about your performance? Have you reached the highest level possible in your current role? And most importantly, are you still learning and growing in your position?

While promotions are a clear indication of climbing the career ladder, there are other factors to consider, such as acquiring new skills and taking on more responsibilities. The key is to continuously progress at a steady pace. If you find yourself doing the same tasks for several years without any advancement, it may be time to explore new opportunities within or outside of your current company.

Augustine also stresses the importance of being able to demonstrate your progress on your CV, whether through title changes, promotions, or expanding your skills and responsibilities. This will show future employers that you bring value to any role you take on.

But what if you love your company and don't want to leave? Augustine reassures that staying put is not a mistake, as long as you can showcase your growth and development on your CV. However, she also reminds us that staying in a job where you feel stagnant or unfulfilled can hinder your overall career growth. So, if you're not happy in your current role, it may be time to look for new opportunities.

Ultimately, the length of time one should stay in a job may vary depending on the industry and personal goals. In some fields, it is common to change jobs every few years, while in others, staying in one role for a longer period is considered the norm. Augustine emphasizes the importance of prioritizing your well-being and not compromising your health for the sake of staying in a job.

Do you have a story about your career journey? We'd love to hear from you. Share your experience by emailing us at [email address].

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