Airline forbids couple after disagreement over etiquette escalates to racism.

A flight from Hong Kong to London on September 17 experienced an incident.

September 24th 2024.

Airline forbids couple after disagreement over etiquette escalates to racism.
Cathay Pacific, a well-known airline based in Hong Kong, recently made a decision to ban two passengers from their flights. This was a result of a heated argument that took place during a flight from Hong Kong to London on September 17. The argument was over something as simple as seat-reclining etiquette, but unfortunately, it quickly spiraled into a situation filled with xenophobic insults.

One of the passengers involved, a woman from mainland China, shared her experience in a video posted on Xiaohongshu, which is often referred to as China's version of Instagram. She explained that the passenger sitting behind her asked her to put her seat up because it was blocking her husband's view of the TV. However, when she politely declined, the situation took a turn for the worse. The woman behind her started kicking her arm and hurling insults at her.

Despite attempts by a flight attendant to mediate the situation by suggesting the woman raise her seat, she refused to do so. This only made matters worse, and the situation escalated even further. The woman from mainland China shared that the other passenger, who realized she couldn't speak Cantonese very well, started making derogatory comments and called her a "Mainland girl." This only added fuel to the fire as people from Hong Kong primarily speak Cantonese, while those from mainland China mainly speak Mandarin.

The situation became so intense that the woman felt the need to start recording the incident. In the footage, we can hear other passengers speaking up for her, with one woman saying in Mandarin, "You're old enough – why are you bullying a young girl?" Others can also be heard shouting in Cantonese, "You're embarrassing us Hongkongers!" and "Stop saying you're from Hong Kong!"

Eventually, the flight attendant allowed the woman to switch seats after other passengers intervened. However, the woman couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if no one had supported her. She questioned whether Cathay Pacific, as a major airline, should have handled the situation better and taken action against those who were being disrespectful.

In response to the incident, Cathay Pacific released a statement apologizing for the unpleasant experience and stated that they have a zero-tolerance policy for any behavior that violates safety regulations or disrespects other customers. They also made the decision to deny future travel to the two passengers involved.

This incident not only adds to the ongoing debate surrounding seat-reclining etiquette, but it also highlights the tension between people from mainland China and Hong Kong. This tension is a result of differing political views and cultural identities, which have been further fueled by the 2019 pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

The woman who initially shared her experience later posted a follow-up video, stating that she believed it was an isolated incident and didn't need to be blown out of proportion. She also expressed her gratitude for the support she received from many Hong Kongers, both on the plane and online.

However, this is not the first time Cathay Pacific has faced backlash from Chinese authorities. In the past, some of their staff members participated in the 2019 protests, resulting in a backlash from the Chinese government. Additionally, there have been previous incidents involving alleged discrimination against Chinese passengers on Cathay flights. In May 2023, the airline fired three cabin crew members after a passenger from mainland China complained of discrimination.

In response to these incidents, Cathay Pacific's CEO, Ronald Lam, announced the dismissal of the employees involved and stated that he would personally lead a task force to improve their services and ensure that all employees respect customers from different backgrounds and cultures. He emphasized the importance of consistently providing quality service across all the markets they serve.

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