Airline aired 40 min of explicit content to all flyers.

The situation was very awkward, especially with families and children aboard.

October 9th 2024.

Airline aired 40 min of explicit content to all flyers.
Passengers traveling with young children were not pleased with their recent experience on an Australian airline. Due to a technical issue, the flight from Sydney to Tokyo was plagued by difficulties with the in-flight entertainment system. This meant that passengers were unable to choose their own movie to watch during the flight.

After attempting to resolve the problem, the crew was left with no other option but to play the same movie for everyone on board. They were limited in their selection and asked a few passengers for their preference. Ultimately, the movie chosen was the 2023 film "Daddio," which features Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn. However, this choice did not sit well with parents, as the film is rated 18 in the UK and 15+ in Australia. It tells the story of a woman and a taxi driver discussing sex and relationships, with graphic language, nudity, and sex scenes.

The situation was made worse by the fact that passengers were unable to turn off, pause, or dim their screens. This meant that parents with young children were unable to shield them from the inappropriate content. One parent even had to block their child's view of the screen due to "40 minutes of penis and boobs." Another passenger took to Reddit to express their discomfort, stating that the film was "extremely inappropriate" and made for an uncomfortable and awkward hour on the flight.

Eventually, the cabin crew realized the mistake and replaced the film with a more family-friendly option, "Inside Out 2," from Disney. However, the damage had already been done, and several passengers had already complained about the graphic nature of the film. The airline has since apologized for the incident, stating that the movie was not suitable for the entire flight and that they are reviewing how it was selected.

In the end, the technical issue caused not only a delay in the flight but also an uncomfortable and inappropriate experience for passengers with young children. The airline has learned from this incident and will ensure that their standard practice of playing family-friendly movies is followed in the future when individual movie selection is not possible.

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