Air traffic controller caught sleeping while on duty under a blanket.

Transport safety watchdog urges better fatigue management after Brisbane incident.

September 3rd 2024.

Air traffic controller caught sleeping while on duty under a blanket.
Recently, there was an incident involving an air traffic controller in Brisbane that has sparked a conversation about the importance of managing fatigue in the transportation industry. According to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau's report, the controller was discovered asleep at their desk around 5:15am on December 9, 2022. The report revealed that the controller had been working multiple night shifts with shorter breaks in between, which likely affected their ability to get enough restorative sleep.

Angus Mitchell, the chief commissioner of the ATSB, expressed concern over the controller's actions, stating that they increased their chances of falling asleep by lying across two chairs and not engaging in activities to stay mentally alert. Fortunately, at the time of the incident, there was no air traffic in the Cairns airspace that the controller was responsible for, and there were no scheduled flights until after their shift. However, the report noted that had the controller been woken up by a radio broadcast, they may have experienced "sleep inertia," which could have led to delayed communications or incorrect instructions.

While there were no negative consequences from this occurrence, it has shed light on the need for improvements in work scheduling and fatigue management. Mitchell stated that the incident could have been avoided if changes to the controller's shifts had been made in advance, rather than on short notice due to rostering issues. In response to the incident, Airservices Australia has increased the number of air traffic controllers, particularly in the North Queensland group. They have also implemented new guidelines and training on fatigue risk assessment to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

Despite increased awareness in the transportation industry, fatigue remains one of the most significant ongoing concerns for safety. Mitchell emphasized the importance of addressing this issue and taking proactive measures to prevent fatigue-related incidents. It is crucial to prioritize the well-being and safety of transportation workers to ensure the smooth and secure operation of our transportation systems.

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