AI could revolutionize video games, leading to better experiences and new possibilities. The Final's verdict and The Last Of Us' multiplayer could be affected.

Readers look to score low-priced PS5 on Black Friday, while exploring Castlevania's past.

November 7th 2023.

AI could revolutionize video games, leading to better experiences and new possibilities. The Final's verdict and The Last Of Us' multiplayer could be affected.
Is AI good for the future of gaming or not? That's the question on everyone's mind as one reader explores the history of Castlevania on the Tuesday letters page. To join in the discussion, email us.

The benefits of AI are clear; it promises to create realistic and sensible enemies and non-player characters that interact with us like they're real. Unfortunately, it appears to be used mainly as a way to put people out of their jobs or steal their work. That's capitalism for you.

The best case scenario is that AI can help speed up game development, resulting in shorter production times and lower prices for everyone, not just Microsoft. On the other hand, the worst case scenario is that it's just a smokescreen and companies will continue to take away people's jobs. It's hard to say which it is.

As Black Friday approaches, many people are hoping to pick up a cheap PS5. We should all remember, though, that it's not just about the company – it's about the games we play. As the nights draw in, we can look forward to playing some of the amazing next gen games that have been talked about for the last couple of years.

Did you manage to check out the open beta for The Finals? It was a great game with incredible destruction elements, sound design, and multi-directional maps. Someone said it was like Bad Company 2 and Mirror's Edge had a baby, and that's not far from the truth. We look forward to your review when the game releases.

One gamer decided to take the plunge and apply the Game Pass hack. It worked, and he got eight months of Ultimate for only £36. He also found that Xbox Live from CDkeys works on the Series consoles, even though the description says it's only compatible with Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Finally, Sony's handling of the news about The Last Of Us multiplayer game has been ridiculous. We hope they end the radio silence and give us some new trailers and a release date soon.

So, as we look at the future of gaming, we can see a bright future of realistic enemies, shorter development times, cheaper prices, and amazing games. We just have to remember that every company is awful once it gets to a certain size, and focus on the fun games that will transport us to another world.
Is AI good for the future of gaming or not? This is the question on everyone's mind as we look forward to the next generation of gaming with the potential release of the PS5 during Black Friday. While it may seem promising to have AI that can provide realistic enemies and NPCs, the reality is that AI is often used to replace human work and this is a concerning prospect.

The best case scenario is that AI can help reduce development times, making it easier and cheaper to produce games. This could benefit both the developers and the players, as games would be cheaper and released more quickly. On the other hand, the worst case scenario is that AI is just an excuse for companies to reduce human jobs and increase their own profits. It’s hard to tell which will happen until it’s implemented.

For now, gamers can only look forward to the release of the PS5 and the upcoming next gen titles. Although it’s easy to be disillusioned with game companies, we shouldn’t forget the joy that gaming can bring. The upcoming games have the potential to transport us to other worlds and forget our troubles, if only for a few hours.

The recently released open beta for The Finals has sparked a lot of excitement. It’s been described as a mix between Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Mirror’s Edge, and offers some unique gameplay experiences. We’re looking forward to seeing some reviews when the game is released.

Finally, for those looking to get the most out of their gaming experience, the Game Pass hack is worth considering. Although it may seem daunting, it’s actually quite simple and allows for 8 months of Ultimate membership for only £36. It’s well worth it for those that want to experience all the new games.

The way Sony are handling news about The Last Of Us multiplayer game is concerning. It’s been radio silent for far too long and people are getting impatient. We’re hoping to see some trailers and a release date soon, so we can return to the good old days of waiting in hopeful anticipation.

In addition, we recently explored the history of Castlevania and the ties to Hammer Studios. Christopher Lee and Terrence Fisher, the director of the films, are both given shoutouts in the game, and this is a great example of how games are not produced in a cultural vacuum.

At the end of the day, it’s hard to tell if AI will be beneficial or detrimental to the future of gaming. All we can do is wait and see, and enjoy the upcoming games in the meantime.

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