After a tough breakup, I took a solo vacation and unexpectedly formed a life-changing bond with a 60-year-old gay man.

Talking to strangers can be liberating.

July 14th 2024.

After a tough breakup, I took a solo vacation and unexpectedly formed a life-changing bond with a 60-year-old gay man.
As I sat outside a restaurant in Porto, Portugal, taking in the hustle and bustle around me, I couldn't help but smile. I had just finished the most delicious brunch, complete with a traditional croquette and some white port, and was now enjoying some much-needed relaxation. Little did I know, my day was about to take an unexpected turn.

As a stand-up comedian, I was used to traveling alone and spending my evenings in soulless chain cafes and grimy hotel rooms. It was my normal, but I never expected to find myself in this beautiful city alone. You see, a year ago, my relationship came to an abrupt end, leaving me heartbroken and struggling to cope. The aftermath of that break-up led to a dissociative mental breakdown, and I found myself seeking solace with my family for a month.

But, as most comedians do, I channeled my pain into writing a new show, which turned out to be a success at the Edinburgh Fringe and beyond. However, the thought of booking a holiday for one was daunting. After ignoring countless advertisements for solo female retreats, I decided to take a chance and book a trip to Porto. I mean, what better way to relax than by looking at water and sipping on some nice wine?

Little did I know, that decision would change my life forever. As I sat outside that restaurant, a softly spoken gentleman appeared and asked if he could share my table. I hesitated for a moment, as any woman alone in public would, wondering if he would put me at ease or confirm my initial suspicions that I would have to find an excuse to leave. Thankfully, he turned out to be a kind and friendly soul who simply wanted some company while he waited for his friend who was giving him a vineyard tour.

We struck up a conversation, and I learned that his name was John and he was visiting Portugal with his husband, Peter. We shared stories about our lives, and I felt a sense of freedom talking to a stranger who had no preconceived notions of me. It was cathartic, and I found myself opening up about the ups and downs of the past year. John matched my vulnerability and openness by sharing his own journey of embracing his sexuality later in life.

After three glasses of port, John had to leave for his vineyard tour, but not before leaving me his contact information and extending an invitation for me to come and stay with him and Peter in Scarborough. We parted ways, and I thought it was unlikely that I would ever have a reason to visit Scarborough, but I sketched John in my notepad, just in case.

As my holiday in Porto came to an end, I returned to my normal routine, but I couldn't stop thinking about John and our brief encounter. A few months later, I received an email from my agent offering me a gig in Scarborough. I accepted, thinking it would be a great opportunity to see John again.

To my delight, he responded immediately, and we made plans for me to stay with him and Peter in their lovely home. When I arrived in Scarborough, John met me at the train station, and we immediately recognized each other. That weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting Peter and some of their friends, and we even went to a Drag Bingo night, which was a blast.

The following morning, I woke up in their home, hungover but happy. That night, John and Peter came to my show, and we had a wonderful time walking their dog, Boris, on the beach. Before I left, I gave John the sketch I had done of him, and he promised to frame it and hang it in their kitchen.

Now, John and Peter are planning to visit me in Edinburgh this year, and I couldn't be more excited. They will be guests of honor at my 2024 Fringe show, which is sure to be more joyful and light-hearted than my 2023 show. Who would have thought that booking a holiday for one would lead me to such a meaningful and romantic friendship with a 60-year-old gay accountant from a bar in Portugal?

Looking back, I never could have imagined that my trip to Porto would have such a profound impact on my life. But it's true what they say, romance can be found in the most unexpected places. It's in solitude, in strangers, and in adventure. And for me, it was also in a Mecca Bingo hall in Scarborough. I am forever grateful for the friendship and love I found in John and Peter, and I can't wait to see what other unexpected adventures life has in store for me.

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