African Ancestry is offering a Juneteenth special to help individuals discover their heritage.

African Ancestry was established in 2003 by Drs. Rick Kittles and Gina Paige and has assisted over a million individuals in tracing their maternal and paternal ancestry.

June 18th 2024.

African Ancestry is offering a Juneteenth special to help individuals discover their heritage.
Discovering one's roots can be a daunting task, especially for those whose histories were not considered significant until the 19th century. Fortunately, African Ancestry has made it their mission to help people of African descent around the world uncover their heritage and take pride in their origins. Through their ancestry DNA kits, which utilize a vast database of over 30,000 African genetic samples, African Ancestry empowers individuals by providing a deeper understanding of their background. This company believes that knowledge is power, and for those who have been marginalized and stripped of their history, the power of knowing one's roots is truly transformative.

African Ancestry was founded in 2003 by Dr. Rick Kittles and Dr. Gina Paige. Their goal was to assist people in tracing their maternal and paternal lineage while also ensuring the safety and security of their genetic information. As we approach Juneteenth, a holiday that celebrates freedom and calls for action, BLACK ENTERPRISE had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Paige about the company's role in restoring the holistic well-being of Black individuals globally. In honor of this important holiday, African Ancestry is offering a special discount to new customers, allowing them to discover more about their heritage through DNA testing.

When asked about the origins of African Ancestry, Dr. Paige explained that her co-founder, Dr. Kittles, was a geneticist who had worked on the African Burial Ground project in New York City. As part of the research team from Howard University, he was tasked with determining the ancestry of the bones found at the site. When the community learned of his ability to identify the African origins of the remains, they were eager to know their own ancestral background as well. This sparked the idea for African Ancestry, as Dr. Paige and Dr. Kittles joined forces to make this knowledge accessible to everyone.

But what are the wellness and healing benefits of knowing one's identity through DNA testing? According to Dr. Paige, it is impossible to truly know oneself without understanding where one comes from. She points out that African Americans are the only group in the United States who cannot trace their ancestry back to a specific country or ethnic group. She often refers to this as the original case of identity theft, as our ancestors were robbed of their names, languages, and the ability to honor their heritage. When someone's identity is stolen, they cannot fully live their life as they desire. However, with the knowledge of their roots, Dr. Paige has seen people experience a sense of pride and belonging, leading to transformation and a deeper connection to their past.

So, how exactly does the African Ancestry DNA kit work? What sets it apart from traditional genealogy research? Dr. Paige explains that genealogy involves the study of a person's family history through written and oral records, such as family stories and official documents. On the other hand, genetic ancestry tracing utilizes DNA to uncover one's family history. Just as written records provide information, so does our DNA. This is where African Ancestry's unique database comes into play, bridging the gap between the end of the paper trail and the pre-slavery African roots of Black individuals.

Dr. Paige also breaks down the process of single-lineage African ancestry tracing, which focuses on the maternal lineage. Each person inherits 50% of their DNA from their mother and father, but there is also a small portion of DNA inherited solely from the mother, called mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). This DNA remains unchanged over thousands of years and can be traced back to one's maternal ancestors. African Ancestry has the largest database of African DNA in the industry, making it easier to match mtDNA with other samples from Africa and pinpoint a specific country and ethnic group.

As we celebrate Juneteenth, Dr. Paige emphasizes the significance of this holiday and African Ancestry's role in helping people reconnect with their African ancestors. She compares the post-slavery search for family members to the modern-day search for one's African roots. To honor this holiday, African Ancestry is offering a 10% discount on all of their test kits and the entire site. Dr. Paige also reassures customers that their DNA is not sold or shared, as the company's priority is to provide a safe and secure environment for individuals to discover their roots. She also highlights the fact that one test can benefit an entire family, as everyone shares the same maternal lineage, making it a meaningful and unifying project for all.

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