Advice for dealing with boredom or lack of motivation at work.

Women are twice as likely to be unhappy with their careers, but there are ways for them to find more satisfaction in their work.

July 9th 2024.

Advice for dealing with boredom or lack of motivation at work.
In recent years, there have been numerous reports highlighting the increasing trend of women starting their own businesses. The reasons behind this are varied, ranging from feelings of frustration with traditional jobs, dissatisfaction with the corporate world, to simply wanting to fulfill a long-held dream or passion. To delve deeper into this phenomenon, BLACK ENTERPRISE had a conversation with Seamus Roddy, a writer and marketing specialist.

According to Roddy, one of the most concerning aspects of this trend is that while the majority of Americans feel professionally successful, women are almost twice as likely as men to feel dissatisfied with their careers. This gap in satisfaction is something that cannot be ignored, and it is leaving many women behind. However, Roddy also offered some valuable suggestions on how women can take charge of their careers and find fulfillment by becoming their own bosses.

One of the key ways for women to achieve success and satisfaction, according to Roddy, is through mentorship. Finding a mentor who has already achieved success in the corporate world or as an entrepreneur can be immensely beneficial. Not only can they offer valuable insights and guidance, but mentoring others can also bring a sense of fulfillment as you help them progress in their careers.

The Manifest, a renowned source for professional success tips, also has some valuable advice for women looking to take control of their careers. They suggest practicing professional networking, as it helps to build valuable connections and improve essential soft skills, such as communication and teamwork. Additionally, engaging in mentorship, whether as a mentor or mentee, can be mutually beneficial, providing exposure to new ideas and skills.

Another useful tip is to negotiate for a higher salary. This not only demonstrates a clear direction in your professional growth but also makes you more desirable to potential employers. Rolf Box, chief HR officer at, emphasizes that taking on new responsibilities can lead to a raise, make you more marketable, and prevent stagnation in your career.

For those who need more personalized guidance, hiring a career coach can be a game-changer. Just like how top athletes rely on coaches to improve their skills and achieve success, employees can also benefit greatly from the expertise of a career coach. They can help you identify your professional path and the necessary skills to achieve your goals.

These are just some of the tips suggested by The Manifest to help women succeed in their careers. By taking charge of their professional growth, networking, and seeking guidance from mentors and coaches, women can break through barriers and achieve success on their own terms. So, whether you're feeling dissatisfied with your current job or looking to fulfill a dream, these tips can help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

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