"Adolescents released on bail following altercation involving machetes near holiday caroling event."

Surprising attendees at a Christmas carols event in Melbourne's south-east included families and community members.

December 10th 2024.

Last night, a Christmas carols event in Melbourne's south-east took a turn for the worse when a group of teenagers, reportedly carrying machetes, got into a confrontation with the police. The event, known as Bayside Christmas Carols in the Park, was being held at Dendy Park in Brighton East and had attracted families and community members. However, just after 8:30pm, chaos erupted as the teenagers brandished their weapons and began to fight.

According to Victorian MP James Newbury, who was also in attendance, the situation quickly escalated as the teens were pursued by the police and eventually arrested. Newbury took to social media to share his account of the events, revealing that thousands of people had witnessed the shocking scene unfold. He described how the gangs with machetes had arrived and clashed with the police, causing a commotion that spilled over into the surrounding neighborhood.

The chase reportedly led down Glencairn Ave, with the offenders tossing their weapons over fences in an attempt to evade capture. Eventually, the police were able to make multiple arrests at the corner of Dacey Street. Thankfully, there were no injuries reported from the incident. However, it was a disturbing and unsettling experience for all those in attendance.

A spokesperson for the Bayside City Council clarified that the incident had occurred outside of the event's boundaries and did not impact the festivities. They reassured the public that the council works closely with the police and private security to ensure the safety of all attendees at the event. However, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe and secure environment for community events.

In the aftermath of the incident, three teenagers, aged 15 and 16, have been charged with various offenses, including assault with a weapon, unlawful assault, and possessing a controlled weapon. They have been bailed and will have to appear at a children's court at a later date. The incident has sparked concern and calls for increased security measures at community events to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

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