February 13th 2025.
Jeremy Strong, a 46-year-old actor, has recently reassured the public that he is indeed in on the joke. Just like how the hit HBO series Succession blurred the lines between drama and comedy, Strong's persona also blurs the lines between earnestness and exaggerated self-importance.
Many may recognize Strong as Kendall Roy, the bumbling and tragic character on Succession. However, as his fame grew, people began questioning if he was truly in on the joke both on and off-screen. A now infamous New Yorker profile painted Strong as the punchline of a joke, something he addressed in a recent interview with GQ.
In response to the profile, Strong shared, "Yeah, it was really painful. It's hard to feel misunderstood and misrepresented, and there were moments where I had to take a hard look at myself." The profile included quotes from Strong such as, "To me, the stakes are life and death. I take [Kendall] as seriously as I take my own life," which only added fuel to the fire.
However, Strong clarified in his interview with GQ that he doesn't take himself as seriously as the profile may have portrayed. He even poked fun at himself by appearing in a Super Bowl ad where he played a caricature of himself. Strong explained, "This Dunkin' commercial was my answer and response to all of that stuff. It was my way of rejecting it and having a little fun at my own expense."
When asked if the commercial was a way to prove that he has a sense of humor about it all, Strong quickly clarified that it was not meant to be defensive. He simply thought it would be funny. He proudly added, "I came up with all of it."
So, for those wondering if Jeremy Strong is finally in on the joke, the answer is yes. He is not afraid to poke fun at himself and reject any notions of being a serious actor. To read more about Strong's thoughts on his persona and career, check out the full feature on GQ Hype. And if you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, don't hesitate to reach out to The Agency entertainment team. They would love to hear from you.
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