Activists come together to mark Earth Day, calling for urgent action to prevent a "dystopian" future.

Pope Francis calls to protect the environment as scientists predict record-breaking global temperatures in the next few years.

April 22nd 2023.

Activists come together to mark Earth Day, calling for urgent action to prevent a
Thousands of climate change campaigners gathered outside Britain’s parliament building in London to commemorate Earth Day and urge action on global warming. Across the world, volunteers planted trees and cleared trash to celebrate the 54th annual celebration of our environment.

This year, Earth Day fell on the same weekend as reports of extreme weather, with soaring temperatures recorded in Thailand and a deadly heatwave in India. Climate scientists have warned that average global temperatures could reach all-time highs in 2023 or 2024.

Pope Francis, who has been a passionate advocate for green causes since his election in 2013, took to Twitter to remind people of their moral obligation to care for the Earth.

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Peru’s shamans performed a traditional ritual to mark the occasion.

Areeba Hamid, co-executive director of Greenpeace UK, said climate impacts were already being felt, citing the heatwave in London in 2022.

Activists of the Extinction Rebellion group used Earth Day as an opportunity for peaceful protest, organizing family-friendly rallies and marches for the four-day event. This marks a change in strategy for the group, which has previously used disruptive tactics to raise awareness.

On the eve of Earth Day 2021, climate change activists gathered outside Britain's Parliament building to urge decisive action on global warming. Volunteers around the world were preparing to plant trees and clean up trash in celebration of the 54th annual observance of the environment.

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