According to reports, Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani is ready to increase his Manchester United takeover bid. The Qatar Investment Authority has already offered £172 million for the club, and Sheikh Jassim is now looking to increase the offer. If succes

The text says that the speaker faces competition.

February 21st 2023.

According to reports, Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani is ready to increase his Manchester United takeover bid. The Qatar Investment Authority has already offered £172 million for the club, and Sheikh Jassim is now looking to increase the offer. If succes

Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani is prepared to raise his offer for Manchester United in order to see off competition from the likes of Sir Jim Ratcliffe.

The Qatari investor submitted his interest in the club last Friday, with a reported offer of around £4.5bn.

However, he faces competition from Britain's richest man, Ratcliffe, to purchase a controlling stake in the Red Devils.

The 'soft' deadline was established to simply garner interest in the club but bidders were encouraged to submit offers as well as their proposals.

Once through to the next round, bidders will be able to submit an official offer once they're given a full view of the club's finances and have held a further round of talks over a takeover.

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