Abi plans to murder a despicable character she despises using a wrench in upcoming Coronation Street episodes.

She is angry.

May 13th 2024.

Abi plans to murder a despicable character she despises using a wrench in upcoming Coronation Street episodes.
Abi Webster was having a tough week. She was reminded of two very dark moments from her past that brought her to the brink of wanting to commit murder. The first incident occurred when she was watching TV and saw a documentary about a prison football team. To her shock and horror, the star player turned out to be none other than Corey Brent, the same evil thug who had killed her son Seb.

Sally Carman, who plays Abi, explained that this news felt like a sucker punch to Abi's stomach. She had been trying to move on and find happiness in remembering her son, but this revelation completely turned everything upside down. It was like she was back to the day her son was brutally murdered by Corey. Abi's emotions were all over the place, and she couldn't help but think about Seb and the happy memories they shared together.

In typical Abi fashion, she didn't just sit back and stew in her anger. She took action and headed straight to the offices of the TV production company to make sure they knew how upset she was about the broadcast. But her troubles didn't end there. She was also visited by her former drug dealer, Dean, who was a constant reminder of her difficult past when she was struggling with drug addiction.

Sally revealed that Abi was desperate to get Dean out of her life again. He represented everything she was trying to leave behind and she couldn't stand the thought of him anywhere near her or her family. When Dean asked for money, Abi refused, but her troubles were far from over. Tyrone Dobbs showed her an explicit video of herself online, and Abi was convinced that Dean was behind it.

Her mind was racing, trying to process everything. She had no memory of the video, but she knew it was possible because of her past blackouts. Her first thought was that Dean was the one responsible, and she was determined to seek revenge. Sally explained that Abi's relationship with Kevin had survived a lot, but this was something that could potentially break them. Abi was terrified of Kevin seeing the video and the damaged parts of her past being thrown into the present.

Without hesitation, Abi went after Dean with a wrench, ready to kill him. Sally said that her emotions were all over the place, and she couldn't think clearly. Her instincts took over, and she was in full fight-or-flight mode. Abi was like a wild animal, and this situation brought out that wildness even more. She was ready to do whatever it took to protect herself and her loved ones.

Sally concluded by saying that Abi's character has a real "animal instinct" and she loves that about her. This incident brought out that wildness even more, and Abi was ready to act before thinking. She believed it was better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Despite the chaos and drama, she remained a strong and fierce woman who would do anything to protect her family.

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