A Zelda enthusiast was jailed for possessing a Master Sword in public in Nuneaton.

Man jailed for 4 months for carrying fake Master Sword, claiming it was a fidget toy, in Nuneaton near Birmingham.

July 3rd 2024.

A Zelda enthusiast was jailed for possessing a Master Sword in public in Nuneaton.
In today's world, being an avid gamer can sometimes come with unexpected consequences. We've seen it before with the man in Japan who was facing jail time for selling modified pokémon, and again with someone else who got a hefty fine and prison sentence for spoiling the ending of a popular visual novel. And now, a man in the UK has joined the list of gamers who have lost their freedom over a seemingly innocent act.

The story begins in Nuneaton, a town outside of Birmingham, where police were alerted by CCTV footage of a man carrying something in his hand. This man, Anthony Bray, was later identified and approached by officers who noticed that he was holding a six-inch long replica of the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda. Bray claimed that he had purchased the sword as a fidget toy, but the police saw it differently.

Upon further inspection, it was revealed that the sword had a button that could release the blade from its sheath. The police tried to explain to Bray that even though he may have intended it as a harmless toy, it could still be perceived as a weapon and cause fear among others. Bray admitted that he could see how it could be seen as threatening, but he maintained that he had no intention of using it as such.

Despite his explanation, Bray was ultimately sentenced to four months in prison and ordered to pay a victims' surcharge of £154. The police also took the opportunity to remind the public of their zero tolerance policy towards bladed items in public and advised Bray to be more self-aware in the future.

It's a cautionary tale for all gamers out there. While it may seem harmless to carry around a replica of your favorite fictional sword, it's important to be aware of how it may be perceived by others. In this case, a little more self-awareness could have avoided this entire situation.

In the end, it's a reminder to always think twice before acting, especially when it comes to potentially dangerous objects. And for those who may have a similar passion for gaming and collecting, there are plenty of other fidget toys out there that don't come with the risk of a prison sentence. So let's all be a little more mindful and responsible in our choices.

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