A young person discovers that Coronation Street's murderer, Joel, is actually a creepy person, causing him to be surprised.

She easily saw through him.

June 24th 2024.

A young person discovers that Coronation Street's murderer, Joel, is actually a creepy person, causing him to be surprised.
In the latest episode of Coronation Street, solicitor Joel Deering set his sights on a new target: Sabrina, a vulnerable young woman. Just a few months ago, Joel was revealed to be responsible for attacking Lauren Bolton, but then disappeared without a trace. However, the police later launched an investigation and assumed that Lauren had been murdered, leading to Nathan Curtis being sent back to prison for the crime.

Meanwhile, in tonight's episode, Dee-Dee nervously prepared for a meeting with Joel's parents, completely unaware of Joel's sinister intentions. While she was preoccupied, Joel was at the precinct eyeing up Sabrina. This wasn't the first time the two had crossed paths - they had actually met at the police station when Sabrina's brother was arrested. It was a creepy case of deja vu, as the first time Joel met Lauren, they were also at the station.

As Sabrina and Joel sat together, he began to make suggestive comments towards her, which she seemed to enjoy. Their conversation soon turned to alcohol, with Joel adding whiskey to their coffees to make them Irish. Dee-Dee was still busy with Joel's parents, completely unaware of what was happening. Later on, Sabrina's friend approached her at the precinct and warned her about Joel's intentions. She revealed that he was known for expecting something in return for any favors he did for others. But Sabrina, feeling flattered by Joel's attention, brushed off her friend's concerns and even accepted his business card as a sign of trust.

Meanwhile, on the cobbles, Sabrina's friend tried to approach Joel and ask for money in exchange for her silence about his conversation with Sabrina. But Joel simply laughed at her and sent her away, seemingly unfazed by her attempt to extort him. However, this plan may not have worked this time, but could Sabrina's friend return and play a role in Joel's downfall? Will Joel be forced to commit another crime if she threatens to reveal the truth about him?

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