A young girl tragically dies after being left alone in a hot car while her mother worked.

Mother confesses to knowing about hot weather to police.

June 30th 2024.

A young girl tragically dies after being left alone in a hot car while her mother worked.
A heartbreaking tragedy struck a community in North Carolina as an 8-year-old girl passed away after being left in a sweltering car by her mother. The mother, 36-year-old Ashley Stallings, now faces charges of involuntary manslaughter and child abuse for her actions. According to reports, Stallings had gone to work on June 26, leaving her daughter in the car with the air conditioning on. However, the situation took a devastating turn when the police arrived on the scene and found the young girl unresponsive and in need of immediate medical attention. Despite being rushed to a local hospital in Charlotte, the child could not be saved and was pronounced dead. An autopsy later revealed that the cause of death was a brain herniation due to hyperthermia.

The following day, Stallings was arrested by the police and charged with her daughter's death. According to an affidavit obtained by ABC News, Stallings claimed that she believed her daughter had turned off the air conditioning without knowing how to turn it back on. She only realized something was wrong when the child stopped responding to her texts, prompting her to return to the car to check on her. To her horror, she found her young daughter foaming at the mouth. In a desperate attempt to save her, Stallings broke into the car with a hammer and tried to drive her to the hospital. However, she eventually stopped at a nearby establishment for help.

The local news outlet also reported that the temperature had reached a scorching high in the upper 90s on that fateful day. Stallings admitted to the police that she was aware of the heat but had still left her daughter in the car. "She admitted she knew the temperature was 94 degrees outside and that she should not have left the victim inside the car alone," explained the affidavit. Stallings had been working her shift at an Amazon facility when the tragedy occurred. The e-commerce giant released a statement expressing their condolences and offering support to their employees during this difficult time.

As the community mourns the loss of the young girl, an investigation into the matter by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is ongoing. Stallings is currently being held on a $250,000 bond and is expected to appear at a trial set for July 26. This heartbreaking incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of leaving children unattended in hot cars. In a similar case, a Louisiana mother was recently charged with leaving her infant daughter in a hot SUV for five hours. Let us all strive to be more vigilant and responsible, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of our children.

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